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6.3. Executing Queries

As we mentioned above, all Query objects contain the object representation of the query, called the query object model. No matter which query language is used or whether the query was created programmatically, the hierarchical database uses the same kind of model objects to represent every single query.
So when the JCR client executes the query:
javax.jcr.query.Query query = ...

// Execute the query and get the results ...
javax.jcr.query.QueryResult result = query.execute();
The hierarchical database then takes the query's object model and runs it through a series of steps to plan, validate, optimize, and finally execute the query:
  1. Planning - in this step, the hierarchical database converts the language-independent query object model into a canonical relational query plan that outlines the various relational operations that need to be performed for this query. The query plan forms a tree, with each leaf node representing an access query against the indexes. However, this plan is not quite ready to be used.
  2. Validation - not all queries that are well-formed can be executed, so the hierarchical database then validates the canonical query plan to make sure that all named selectors exist, all named properties exist on the selectors, that all aliases are properly used, and that all identifiers are resolvable. If the query fails validation, an exception is thrown immediately.
  3. Optimization - the canonical plan should mirror the actual query model, but it may not be the most simple or efficient plan. The hierarchical database runs the canonical plan through a rule-based optimizer to produce an optimum and executable plan. For example, one rule rewrites right outer joins as left outer joins. Another rule looks for identity joins (e.g., ISSAMENODE join criteria or equi-join criteria involving node identifiers), and if possible removes the join altogether (replacing it with additional criteria) or copies criteria on one side of the join to the other. Another rule removes parts of the plan that (based upon criteria) will never return any rows. Yet another rule determines the best algorithm for joining tuples. Overall, there are about a dozen such rules, and all are intended to make the query plans more easily and efficiently executed.
  4. Execution - the optimized plan is then executed: each access query in the plan is issued and the resulting tuples processed and combined to form the result set's tuples.