Red Hat Training

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8.2. Hierarchical Database Built-in Node Types

The following is the CND representation of built-in node types specific to the hierarchical database. Note that many of these outline the structure of nodes under the /jcr:system area of the repository and are protected (meaning clients can view but not directly modify their content).
// N A M E S P A C E S
<jcr = "">
<nt  = "">
<mix = "">
<mode = "">

// N O D E T Y P E S

[mode:namespace] > nt:base
- mode:uri (string) primary protected version
- mode:generated (boolean) protected version

[mode:namespaces] > nt:base
+ * (mode:namespace) = mode:namespace protected version

[mode:nodeTypes] > nt:base
+ * (nt:nodeType) = nt:nodeType protected version

[mode:lock] > nt:base
- mode:lockedKey (string) protected ignore
- jcr:lockOwner (string) protected ignore
- mode:lockingSession (string) protected ignore
- mode:expirationDate (date) protected ignore
- mode:sessionScope (boolean) protected ignore
- jcr:isDeep (boolean) protected ignore
- mode:isHeldBySession (boolean) protected ignore
- mode:workspace (string) protected ignore

[mode:locks] > nt:base
+ * (mode:lock) = mode:lock protected ignore

[mode:versionHistoryFolder] > nt:base
+ * (nt:versionHistory) = nt:versionHistory protected ignore
+ * (mode:versionHistoryFolder) protected ignore

[mode:versionStorage] > mode:versionHistoryFolder

[mode:system] > nt:base
+ mode:namespaces (mode:namespaces) = mode:namespaces autocreated mandatory protected abort
+ mode:locks (mode:locks) = mode:locks autocreated mandatory protected abort
+ jcr:nodeTypes (mode:nodeTypes) = mode:nodeTypes autocreated mandatory protected abort
+ jcr:versionStorage (mode:versionStorage) = mode:versionStorage autocreated mandatory protected abort

[mode:root] > nt:base, mix:referenceable orderable
- * (undefined) multiple version
- * (undefined) version
+ jcr:system (mode:system) = mode:system autocreated mandatory protected ignore
+ * (nt:base) = nt:unstructured sns version

// This is the same as 'nt:resource' (which should generally be used instead)...
[mode:resource] > nt:base, mix:mimeType, mix:lastModified
- jcr:data (binary) primary mandatory

[mode:share] > mix:referenceable    // Used for non-original shared nodes, but never really exposed to JCR clients
- mode:sharedUuid (reference) mandatory protected initialize

[mode:hashed] mixin
- mode:sha1 (string)

// A marker node type that can be used to denote areas into which files can be published.
// Published areas have optional titles and descriptions.
[mode:publishArea] > mix:title mixin

[mode:derived] mixin
- mode:derivedFrom (path) // the location of the original information from which this was derived
- mode:derivedAt (date)  // the timestamp of the last change to the original information from which this was derived