11.8. Handling Declared Fact Types Through the API Example

This example illustrates the handling of declared fact types through the API:
// get a reference to a knowledge base with a declared type:
KnowledgeBase kbase = ...

// get the declared FactType
FactType personType = kbase.getFactType( "org.drools.examples",
                                         "Person" );

// handle the type as necessary:
// create instances:
Object bob = personType.newInstance();

// set attributes values
personType.set( bob,
                "Bob" );
personType.set( bob,
                42 );

// insert fact into a session
StatefulKnowledgeSession ksession = ...
ksession.insert( bob );

// read attributes
String name = personType.get( bob, "name" );
int age = personType.get( bob, "age" );

The API also includes other helpful methods, like setting all the attributes at once, reading values from a Map, or reading all attributes at once, into a Map.