9.16. Batch-execution and Command Examples

  1. There is currently no XML schema to support schema validation. This is the basic format. The root element is <batch-execution> and it can contain zero or more commands elements:
  2. The insert element features an "out-identifier" attribute so the inserted object will be returned as part of the result payload:
       <insert out-identifier='userVar'>
  3. It's also possible to insert a collection of objects using the <insert-elements> element. This command does not support an out-identifier. The org.domain.UserClass is just an illustrative user object that XStream would serialize:
  4. The <set-global> element sets a global for the session:
       <set-global identifier='userVar'>
  5. <set-global> also supports two other optional attributes: out and out-identifier. A true value for the boolean out will add the global to the <batch-execution-results> payload, using the name from the identifier attribute. out-identifier works like out but additionally allows you to override the identifier used in the <batch-execution-results> payload:
       <set-global identifier='userVar1' out='true'>
       <set-global identifier='userVar2' out-identifier='alternativeUserVar2'>
  6. There is a <get-global> element without contents. It only has an out-identifier attribute. There is no need for an out attribute because retrieving the value is the sole purpose of a <get-global> element:
       <get-global identifier='userVar1' />
       <get-global identifier='userVar2' out-identifier='alternativeUserVar2'/>
  7. The query command supports both parameter and parameterless queries. The name attribute is the name of the query to be called, and the out-identifier is the identifier to be used for the query results in the <execution-results> payload:
       <query out-identifier='cars' name='cars'/>
       <query out-identifier='cars2' name='carsWithParams'>
  8. The <start-process> command accepts optional parameters:
       <startProcess processId='org.drools.actions'>
          <parameter identifier='person'>
                <name>John Doe</name>
  9. The signal event command allows you to identify processes:
    <signal-event process-instance-id='1' event-type='MyEvent'>
  10. The complete work item command notifies users when a process is completed:
    <complete-work-item id='" + workItem.getId() + "' >
       <result identifier='Result'>
  11. The abort work item command lets you cancel a process while it is running:
    <abort-work-item id='21' />