15.6. The (Non-Transactional) CarMart Quickstart in Remote Client-Server Mode (JBoss Enterprise Web Server)

The Carmart (non-transactional) quickstart is supported for JBoss Data Grid's Remote Client-Server Mode with the JBoss Enterprise Web Server container.

15.6.1. Build and Deploy the CarMart Quickstart in Remote Client-Server Mode

This quickstart accesses Red Hat JBoss Data Grid via Hot Rod. This feature is not available for the Transactional CarMart quickstart.


This quickstart deploys to JBoss Enterprise Web Server or Tomcat. The application cannot be deployed to JBoss Data Grid because it does not support application deployment.

Prerequisites for this procedure are as follows:

  1. Obtain the most recent supported JBoss Data Grid Remote Client-Server Mode distribution files from Red Hat.
  2. Ensure that the JBoss Data Grid and JBoss Enterprise Application Platform Maven repositories are installed and configured. For details, see Chapter 3, Install and Use the Maven Repositories
  3. Add a server element to the Maven settings.xml file. In the id elements within server, add the appropriate tomcat credentials.

Procedure 15.10. Build and Deploy the CarMart Quickstart in Remote Client-Server Mode

  1. Configure the Standalone File

    Add the following configuration to the standalone.xml file located in the $JDG_HOME/standalone/configuration/ directory.
    1. Add the following configuration within the infinispan subsystem tags:
      <local-cache name="carcache" 
      	<eviction strategy="LIRS" 


      If the carcache element already exists in your configuration, replace it with the provided configuration.
  2. Start the Container

    Start the JBoss server instance where your application will deploy.
    For Linux:
    $JBOSS_EWS_HOME/tomcat8/bin/catalina.sh run
    For Windows:
    $JBOSS_EWS_HOME\tomcat8\bin\catalina.bat run
  3. Build the Application

    Use the following command to build your application in the relevant directory:
    $ mvn clean package -Premote-tomcat
  4. Deploy the Application

    Use the following command to deploy the application in the relevant directory:
    mvn tomcat:deploy -Premote-tomcat

15.6.2. View the CarMart Quickstart in Remote Client-Server Mode

The following procedure outlines how to view the CarMart quickstart in Red Hat JBoss Data Grid's Remote Client-Server Mode:

The CarMart quickstart must be built and deployed be viewed.

Procedure 15.11. View the CarMart Quickstart in Remote Client-Server Mode

  • Visit the following link in a browser window to view the application:

15.6.3. Remove the CarMart Quickstart in Remote Client-Server Mode

The following procedure provides directions to remove an already deployed application in Red Hat JBoss Data Grid's Remote Client-Server mode.

Procedure 15.12. Remove an Application in Remote Client-Server Mode

  • To remove an application, use the following command from the root directory of this quickstart:
    $ mvn tomcat:undeploy -Premote-tomcat