4.6. Running Red Hat JBoss Data Grid in Karaf (OSGi)

Apache Karaf is a powerful, lightweight OSGi-based runtime container into which components and applications are deployed. OSGi implements a dynamic component model that does not exist in standalone JVM environments. OSGi containers such as Karaf include a rich set of tools for managing the life cycle of an application.
All dependencies between individual modules, including version numbers, must be explicitly specified. Where more than one class of the same name exists, the strict rules of OSGi specify which of the classes will be used by your bundle.

4.6.1. Running a Deployment of JBoss Data Grid in Karaf (Remote Client-Server)

The Red Hat JBoss Data Grid Hot Rod client can be run in an OSGi-based container such as Karaf, allowing client applications deployed in Karaf to connect to pre-existing JBoss Data Grid servers.
Use the path in the JBoss Data Grid Maven repository to set up Karaf. Additionally, JBoss Data Grid requires a features file, located in org/infinispan/infinispan-remote/${VERSION}. This file lists all dependencies for the Hot Rod client in OSGi, while also making it simpler to install the feature into Karaf (version 2.3.3 or 3.0).

4.6.2. Installing the Hot Rod client feature in Karaf

Red Hat JBoss Data Grid's Hot Rod feature is installed in Karaf as follows:

Configure the Red Hat JBoss Data Grid Maven Repository.

Procedure 4.3. Install the Hot Rod Feature in Karaf

  1. Karaf 2.3.3

    For Karaf 2.3.3 use the following commands:
    1. karaf@root> features:addUrl mvn:org.infinispan/infinispan-remote/${VERSION}/xml/features
    2. karaf@root> features:install infinispan-remote
    3. Verify that the feature was successfully installed as follows:
      karaf@root> features:list
  2. Karaf 3.0.0

    For Karaf use the following commands.
    1. karaf@root> feature:repo-add mvn:org.infinispan/infinispan-remote/${VERSION}/xml/features
    2. karaf@root> feature:install infinispan-remote
    3. Verify that the feature was successfully installed:
      karaf@root> feature:list
    Alternatively, use the -i command parameter to install the Hot Rod Client feature using the following:
    karaf@root()> feature:repo-add -i mvn:org.infinispan/infinispan-remote/${VERSION}/xml/features

4.6.3. Installing Red Hat JBoss Data Grid in Karaf (Library Mode)

The Red Hat JBoss Data Grid JAR files contain the required OSGi manifest headers and are used inside OSGi runtime environments as OSGi bundles. Additionally, the required third-party dependencies must be installed. These can be installed individually, or altogether via the features file, which defines all required dependencies.
To install bundles using the features file:
  • Register the feature repositories inside Karaf.
  • Install the features contained in the repositories.

Procedure 4.4. Installing bundles using the features file

  1. Start the Karaf console

    Start the Karaf console using the following commands:
    $ cd $APACHE_KARAF_HOME/bin
    $ ./karaf
  2. Register a feature repository

    Register a feature repository as follows:
    • For Karaf 2.3.3:
      karaf@root()> features:addUrl mvn:org.infinispan/infinispan-embedded/${VERSION}/xml/features
      karaf@root> features:install infinispan-embedded
    • For Karaf 3.0.0:
      karaf@root()> feature:repo-add mvn:org.infinispan/infinispan-embedded/${VERSION}/xml/features
      karaf@root> feature:install infinispan-embedded

JBoss Data Grid runs in library mode using Karaf.

The URL for feature repositories is constructed from the Maven artifact coordinates using the following format:


The JPA Cache Store is not supported in Apache Karaf in JBoss Data Grid 7.0.


Querying in Library mode (which is covered in the JBoss Data Grid Developer Guide) is not supported in Apache Karaf in JBoss Data Grid 7.0.