4.4. Deploy Web Applications on WebLogic Server (Library Mode)

Red Hat JBoss Data Grid supports the WebLogic 12c application server in Library mode. The following procedure describes how to deploy web applications on a WebLogic server.

The prerequisites to deploy the web applications are as follows:

  1. WebLogic Server 12c.
  2. JBoss Data Grid Library (Embedded) mode.

Procedure 4.1. Deploying Web Applications on a WebLogic Server

  1. Create Web Applications

    Create a web application and add the libraries in the WEB-INF folder.
  2. Create a weblogic.xml Deployment Descriptor

    Create a weblogic.xml deployment descriptor with the following elements in it:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
            xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.bea.com/ns/weblogic/90 http://www.bea.com/ns/weblogic/90/weblogic-web-app.xsd">


    The prefer-web-inf-classes class indicates that the libraries and the classes in the WEB-INF/lib folder is preferred over the default libraries bundled in the WebLogic server. For example, the commons-pool.jar file in the WebLogic server has version 1.4 and is automatically loaded by the classloader, but the Hot Rod client uses a newer version of this library.
  3. Pack the Web Application into a Web Archive File

    Create a web application archive (WAR) file of the web application and verify that the JBoss Data Grid libraries are in the WEB-INF folder along with the WebLogic deployment descriptor file.
  4. Deploy the Application onto WebLogic Server

    To deploy the web application using the Infinispan CDI module, stop the WebLogic server if it is running, apply the patch on it (Patch file p17424706_121200_Generic.zip) and restart the WebLogic server. If the Infinispan CDI module is not being used, deploy the web application normally.
    For more information about applying patch to the WebLogic Server, see the Oracle patch database on the Oracle website.