hammer content-view version list


    hammer content-view version <list|index> [OPTIONS]

 --composite-version-id COMPOSITE_VERSION_ID         Filter versions that are components in the specified composite version
 --content-view CONTENT_VIEW_NAME                    Content view name to search by
 --content-view-id CONTENT_VIEW_ID                   Content view identifier
 --environment ENVIRONMENT_NAME                      Lifecycle environment name to search by (--environment is deprecated: Use --lifecycle-environment instead)
 --environment-id ENVIRONMENT_ID                     (--environment-id is deprecated: Use --lifecycle-environment-id instead)
 --fields FIELDS                                     Show specified fields or predefined field sets only. (See below)
                                                     Comma separated list of values. Values containing comma should be quoted or escaped with backslash.
                                                     JSON is acceptable and preferred way for complex parameters
 --full-result FULL_RESULT                           Whether or not to show all results
                                                     One of true/false, yes/no, 1/0.
 --lifecycle-environment LIFECYCLE_ENVIRONMENT_NAME  Lifecycle environment name to search by
 --lifecycle-environment-id LIFECYCLE_ENVIRONMENT_ID
 --order ORDER                                       Sort field and order, eg. 'id DESC'
 --organization ORGANIZATION_NAME                    Organization name to search by
 --organization-id ORGANIZATION_ID                   Organization identifier
 --organization-label ORGANIZATION_LABEL             Organization label to search by
 --organization-title ORGANIZATION_TITLE             Organization title
 --page PAGE                                         Page number, starting at 1
 --per-page PER_PAGE                                 Number of results per page to return
 --puppet-module PUPPET_MODULE_NAME                  Name to search by
 --puppet-module-id PUPPET_MODULE_ID                 Filter versions by puppet module
 --search SEARCH                                     Search string
 --triggered-by-id TRIGGERED_BY_ID                   Filter composite versions whose publish was triggered by the specified
                                                     Component version
 --version VERSION                                   Filter versions by version number
 -h, --help                                          Print help

Predefined field sets:
  FIELDS                 | ALL | DEFAULT | THIN
  ID                     | x   | x       | x
  Name                   | x   | x       |
  Version                | x   | x       | x
  Description            | x   | x       |
  Lifecycle Environments | x   | x       |

Search / Order fields:
  content_view_id     integer
  repository          string
  version             string