2.42.6. hammer lifecycle-environment update


    hammer lifecycle-environment update [OPTIONS]

 --async ASYNC                                                 Do not wait for the update action to finish. Default: true
                                                               One of true/false, yes/no, 1/0.
 --description DESCRIPTION                                     Description of the environment
 --id ID                                                       ID of the environment
 --name NAME                                                   Lifecycle environment name to search by
 --new-name NEW_NAME                                           New name to be given to the environment
 --organization ORGANIZATION_NAME                              Organization name to search by
 --organization-id ORGANIZATION_ID                             Name of the organization
 --organization-label ORGANIZATION_LABEL                       Organization label to search by
 --organization-title ORGANIZATION_TITLE                       Organization title
 --registry-name-pattern REGISTRY_NAME_PATTERN                 Pattern for container image names
 --registry-unauthenticated-pull REGISTRY_UNAUTHENTICATED_PULL Allow unauthenticed pull of container images
                                                               One of true/false, yes/no, 1/0.
 -h, --help                                                    Print help