2.53.8. hammer partition-table update


    hammer partition-table update [OPTIONS]

 --audit-comment AUDIT_COMMENT
 --description DESCRIPTION
 --file LAYOUT                             Path to a file that contains the partition layout
 --host-ids HOST_IDS                       Array of host IDs to associate with the partition table
                                           Comma separated list of values. Values containing comma should be quoted or escaped with backslash.
                                           JSON is acceptable and preferred way for complex parameters
 --hostgroup-ids HOSTGROUP_IDS             Array of host group IDs to associate with the partition table
                                           Comma separated list of values. Values containing comma should be quoted or escaped with backslash.
                                           JSON is acceptable and preferred way for complex parameters
 --hostgroup-titles HOSTGROUP_TITLES       Comma separated list of values. Values containing comma should be quoted or escaped with backslash.
                                           JSON is acceptable and preferred way for complex parameters
 --hostgroups HOSTGROUP_NAMES              Comma separated list of values. Values containing comma should be quoted or escaped with backslash.
                                           JSON is acceptable and preferred way for complex parameters
 --hosts HOST_NAMES                        Comma separated list of values. Values containing comma should be quoted or escaped with backslash.
                                           JSON is acceptable and preferred way for complex parameters
 --id ID
 --location LOCATION_NAME                  Set the current location context for the request
 --location-id LOCATION_ID                 Set the current location context for the request
 --location-ids LOCATION_IDS               REPLACE locations with given ids
                                           Comma separated list of values. Values containing comma should be quoted or escaped with backslash.
                                           JSON is acceptable and preferred way for complex parameters
 --location-title LOCATION_TITLE           Set the current location context for the request
 --location-titles LOCATION_TITLES         Comma separated list of values. Values containing comma should be quoted or escaped with backslash.
                                           JSON is acceptable and preferred way for complex parameters
 --locations LOCATION_NAMES                Comma separated list of values. Values containing comma should be quoted or escaped with backslash.
                                           JSON is acceptable and preferred way for complex parameters
 --locked LOCKED                           Whether or not the template is locked for editing
                                           One of true/false, yes/no, 1/0.
 --name NAME                               Partition table name
 --new-name NEW_NAME
 --operatingsystem-ids OPERATINGSYSTEM_IDS Array of operating system IDs to associate with the partition table
                                           Comma separated list of values. Values containing comma should be quoted or escaped with backslash.
                                           JSON is acceptable and preferred way for complex parameters
 --operatingsystems OPERATINGSYSTEM_TITLES Comma separated list of values. Values containing comma should be quoted or escaped with backslash.
                                           JSON is acceptable and preferred way for complex parameters
 --organization ORGANIZATION_NAME          Set the current organization context for the request
 --organization-id ORGANIZATION_ID         Set the current organization context for the request
 --organization-ids ORGANIZATION_IDS       REPLACE organizations with given ids.
                                           Comma separated list of values. Values containing comma should be quoted or escaped with backslash.
                                           JSON is acceptable and preferred way for complex parameters
 --organization-title ORGANIZATION_TITLE   Set the current organization context for the request
 --organization-titles ORGANIZATION_TITLES Comma separated list of values. Values containing comma should be quoted or escaped with backslash.
                                           JSON is acceptable and preferred way for complex parameters
 --organizations ORGANIZATION_NAMES        Comma separated list of values. Values containing comma should be quoted or escaped with backslash.
                                           JSON is acceptable and preferred way for complex parameters
 --os-family OS_FAMILY
 --snippet SNIPPET                         One of true/false, yes/no, 1/0.
 -h, --help                                Print help