2.3. Configuring an external Maven repository for Business Central and KIE Server

You can configure Business Central and KIE Server to use an external Maven repository, such as Nexus or Artifactory, instead of the built-in repository. This enables Business Central and KIE Server to access and download artifacts that are maintained in the external Maven repository.


Artifacts in the repository do not receive automated security patches because Maven requires that artifacts be immutable. As a result, artifacts that are missing patches for known security flaws will remain in the repository to avoid breaking builds that depend on them. The version numbers of patched artifacts are incremented. For more information, see JBoss Enterprise Maven Repository.


For information about configuring an external Maven repository for an authoring environment on Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform, see the following documents:



  1. Create a Maven settings.xml file with connection and access details for your external repository. For details about the settings.xml file, see the Maven Settings Reference.
  2. Save the file in a known location, for example, /opt/custom-config/settings.xml.
  3. In your Red Hat Decision Manager installation directory, navigate to the standalone-full.xml file. For example, if you use a Red Hat JBoss EAP installation for Red Hat Decision Manager, go to $EAP_HOME/standalone/configuration/standalone-full.xml.
  4. Open standalone-full.xml and under the <system-properties> tag, set the kie.maven.settings.custom property to the full path name of the settings.xml file.

    For example:

    <property name="kie.maven.settings.custom" value="/opt/custom-config/settings.xml"/>
  5. Start or restart Business Central and KIE Server.

Next steps

For each Business Central project that you want to export or push as a KJAR artifact to the external Maven repository, you must add the repository information in the project pom.xml file. For instructions, see 「Exporting a Business Central project to an external Maven repository」.