第21章 KIE Server REST API for KIE containers and business assets

Red Hat Decision Manager provides a KIE Server REST API that you can use to interact with your KIE containers and business assets (such as business rules, processes, and solvers) in Red Hat Decision Manager without using the Business Central user interface. This API support enables you to maintain your Red Hat Decision Manager resources more efficiently and optimize your integration and development with Red Hat Decision Manager.

With the KIE Server REST API, you can perform the following actions:

  • Deploy or dispose KIE containers
  • Retrieve and update KIE container information
  • Return KIE Server status and basic information
  • Retrieve and update business asset information
  • Execute business assets (such as rules and processes)

KIE Server REST API requests require the following components:


The KIE Server REST API requires HTTP Basic authentication or token-based authentication for the user role kie-server. To view configured user roles for your Red Hat Decision Manager distribution, navigate to ~/$SERVER_HOME/standalone/configuration/application-roles.properties and ~/application-users.properties.

To add a user with the kie-server role, navigate to ~/$SERVER_HOME/bin and run the following command:

$ ./add-user.sh -a --user <USERNAME> --password <PASSWORD> --role kie-server

For more information about user roles and Red Hat Decision Manager installation options, see Planning a Red Hat Decision Manager installation.

HTTP headers

The KIE Server REST API requires the following HTTP headers for API requests:

  • Accept: Data format accepted by your requesting client:

    • application/json (JSON)
    • application/xml (XML, for JAXB or XSTREAM)
  • Content-Type: Data format of your POST or PUT API request data:

    • application/json (JSON)
    • application/xml (XML, for JAXB or XSTREAM)
  • X-KIE-ContentType: Required header for application/xml XSTREAM API requests and responses:

HTTP methods

The KIE Server REST API supports the following HTTP methods for API requests:

  • GET: Retrieves specified information from a specified resource endpoint
  • POST: Updates a resource or resource instance
  • PUT: Updates or creates a resource or resource instance
  • DELETE: Deletes a resource or resource instance
Base URL
The base URL for KIE Server REST API requests is http://SERVER:PORT/kie-server/services/rest/, such as http://localhost:8080/kie-server/services/rest/.

KIE Server REST API endpoints, such as /server/containers/{containerId} for a specified KIE container, are the URIs that you append to the KIE Server REST API base URL to access the corresponding resource or type of resource in Red Hat Decision Manager.

Example request URL for /server/containers/{containerId} endpoint


Request parameters and request data

Many KIE Server REST API requests require specific parameters in the request URL path to identify or filter specific resources and to perform specific actions. You can append URL parameters to the endpoint in the format ?<PARAM>=<VALUE>&<PARAM>=<VALUE>.

Example GET request URL with parameters


HTTP POST and PUT requests may additionally require a request body or file with data to accompany the request.

Example POST request URL and JSON request body data


  "release-id": {
    "artifact-id": "Project1",
    "group-id": "com.redhat",
    "version": "1.1"

21.1. Sending requests with the KIE Server REST API using a REST client or curl utility

The KIE Server REST API enables you to interact with your KIE containers and business assets (such as business rules, processes, and solvers) in Red Hat Decision Manager without using the Business Central user interface. You can send KIE Server REST API requests using any REST client or curl utility.


  • KIE Server is installed and running.
  • You have kie-server user role access to KIE Server.


  1. Identify the relevant API endpoint to which you want to send a request, such as [GET] /server/containers to retrieve KIE containers from KIE Server.
  2. In a REST client or curl utility, enter the following components for a GET request to /server/containers. Adjust any request details according to your use case.

    For REST client:

    • Authentication: Enter the user name and password of the KIE Server user with the kie-server role.
    • HTTP Headers: Set the following header:

      • Accept: application/json
    • HTTP method: Set to GET.
    • URL: Enter the KIE Server REST API base URL and endpoint, such as http://localhost:8080/kie-server/services/rest/server/containers.

    For curl utility:

    • -u: Enter the user name and password of the KIE Server user with the kie-server role.
    • -H: Set the following header:

      • Accept: application/json
    • -X: Set to GET.
    • URL: Enter the KIE Server REST API base URL and endpoint, such as http://localhost:8080/kie-server/services/rest/server/containers.
    curl -u 'baAdmin:password@1' -H "Accept: application/json" -X GET "http://localhost:8080/kie-server/services/rest/server/containers"
  3. Execute the request and review the KIE Server response.

    Example server response (JSON):

      "type": "SUCCESS",
      "msg": "List of created containers",
      "result": {
        "kie-containers": {
          "kie-container": [
              "container-id": "itorders_1.0.0-SNAPSHOT",
              "release-id": {
                "group-id": "itorders",
                "artifact-id": "itorders",
                "version": "1.0.0-SNAPSHOT"
              "resolved-release-id": {
                "group-id": "itorders",
                "artifact-id": "itorders",
                "version": "1.0.0-SNAPSHOT"
              "status": "STARTED",
              "scanner": {
                "status": "DISPOSED",
                "poll-interval": null
              "config-items": [],
              "container-alias": "itorders"
  4. For this example, copy or note the project group-id, artifact-id, and version (GAV) data from one of the deployed KIE containers returned in the response.
  5. In your REST client or curl utility, send another API request with the following components for a PUT request to /server/containers/{containerId} to deploy a new KIE container with the copied project GAV data. Adjust any request details according to your use case.

    For REST client:

    • Authentication: Enter the user name and password of the KIE Server user with the kie-server role.
    • HTTP Headers: Set the following headers:

      • Accept: application/json
      • Content-Type: application/json


        When you add fields=not_null to Content-Type, the null fields are excluded from the REST API response.

    • HTTP method: Set to PUT.
    • URL: Enter the KIE Server REST API base URL and endpoint, such as http://localhost:8080/kie-server/services/rest/server/containers/MyContainer.
    • Request body: Add a JSON request body with the configuration items for the new KIE container:
      "config-items": [
          "itemName": "RuntimeStrategy",
          "itemValue": "SINGLETON",
          "itemType": "java.lang.String"
          "itemName": "MergeMode",
          "itemValue": "MERGE_COLLECTIONS",
          "itemType": "java.lang.String"
          "itemName": "KBase",
          "itemValue": "",
          "itemType": "java.lang.String"
          "itemName": "KSession",
          "itemValue": "",
          "itemType": "java.lang.String"
      "release-id": {
        "group-id": "itorders",
        "artifact-id": "itorders",
        "version": "1.0.0-SNAPSHOT"
      "scanner": {
        "poll-interval": "5000",
        "status": "STARTED"

    For curl utility:

    • -u: Enter the user name and password of the KIE Server user with the kie-server role.
    • -H: Set the following headers:

      • Accept: application/json
      • Content-Type: application/json


        When you add fields=not_null to Content-Type, the null fields are excluded from the REST API response.

    • -X: Set to PUT.
    • URL: Enter the KIE Server REST API base URL and endpoint, such as http://localhost:8080/kie-server/services/rest/server/containers/MyContainer.
    • -d: Add a JSON request body or file (@file.json) with the configuration items for the new KIE container:
    curl -u 'baAdmin:password@1' -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X PUT "http://localhost:8080/kie-server/services/rest/server/containers/MyContainer" -d "{ \"config-items\": [ { \"itemName\": \"RuntimeStrategy\", \"itemValue\": \"SINGLETON\", \"itemType\": \"java.lang.String\" }, { \"itemName\": \"MergeMode\", \"itemValue\": \"MERGE_COLLECTIONS\", \"itemType\": \"java.lang.String\" }, { \"itemName\": \"KBase\", \"itemValue\": \"\", \"itemType\": \"java.lang.String\" }, { \"itemName\": \"KSession\", \"itemValue\": \"\", \"itemType\": \"java.lang.String\" } ], \"release-id\": { \"group-id\": \"itorders\", \"artifact-id\": \"itorders\", \"version\": \"1.0.0-SNAPSHOT\" }, \"scanner\": { \"poll-interval\": \"5000\", \"status\": \"STARTED\" }}"
    curl -u 'baAdmin:password@1' -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X PUT "http://localhost:8080/kie-server/services/rest/server/containers/MyContainer" -d @my-container-configs.json
  6. Execute the request and review the KIE Server response.

    Example server response (JSON):

      "type": "SUCCESS",
      "msg": "Container MyContainer successfully deployed with module itorders:itorders:1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.",
      "result": {
        "kie-container": {
          "container-id": "MyContainer",
          "release-id": {
            "group-id": "itorders",
            "artifact-id": "itorders",
            "version": "1.0.0-SNAPSHOT"
          "resolved-release-id": {
            "group-id": "itorders",
            "artifact-id": "itorders",
            "version": "1.0.0-SNAPSHOT"
          "status": "STARTED",
          "scanner": {
            "status": "STARTED",
            "poll-interval": 5000
          "config-items": [],
          "messages": [
              "severity": "INFO",
              "timestamp": {
                "java.util.Date": 1540584717937
              "content": [
                "Container MyContainer successfully created with module itorders:itorders:1.0.0-SNAPSHOT."
          "container-alias": null

    If you encounter request errors, review the returned error code messages and adjust your request accordingly.