1.3. Red Hat JBoss Data Grid Usage Modes

Red Hat JBoss Data Grid offers two usage modes:
  • Remote Client-Server mode
  • Library mode

1.3.1. Remote Client-Server Mode

Remote Client-Server mode provides a managed, distributed, and clusterable data grid server. In Client-Server mode the server runs as a self-contained process, utilizing a container based on JBoss EAP, allowing client applications to remotely access the data grid server using Hot Rod, Memcached or REST client APIs.
All Red Hat JBoss Data Grid operations in Remote Client-Server mode are non-transactional. As a result, a number of features cannot be performed when running JBoss Data Grid in Remote Client-Server mode.
There are a number of benefits to running JBoss Data Grid in Remote Client-Server mode if Library mode features are not required. Remote Client-Server mode is client language agnostic, provided there is a client library for your chosen protocol. As a result, Remote Client-Server mode provides:
  • easier scaling of the data grid.
  • easier upgrades of the data grid without impact on client applications.
Run the following commands to start a standalone JBoss Data Grid instance in Remote Client-Server mode.
For Linux:
For Windows:
Run the following commands to start a managed domain JBoss Data Grid instance in Remote Client-Server mode.
For Linux:
For Windows:

1.3.2. Library Mode

Library mode allows building and deploying a custom runtime environment. The Library mode hosts a single data grid node in the applications process, with remote access to nodes hosted in other JVMs. Tested containers for Red Hat JBoss Data Grid 6 Library mode includes Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Web Server 2.x and JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 6.x.
A number of features in JBoss Data Grid can be used in Library mode, but not in Remote Client-Server mode.
The following features require Library mode:
  • transactions
  • listeners and notifications
JBoss Data Grid can also be run as a standalone application in Java SE. Standalone mode is a supported alternative to running JBoss Data Grid in a container.