19.2. Setup

  1. Download the Fuse Full Install binary from the Red Hat Customer Portal.
  2. Export the path to the folder where the CSV files will be placed by running the command:
    export incomingFolderPath=[Full path to the CSV folder]
  3. Run the following command in the root directory of the quickstart:
    mvn clean install -DincomingFolderPath=$incomingFolderPath
  4. Set the FUSE_INSTALL_PATH and FUSE_BINARY_PATH variables in the same shell:
    export FUSE_INSTALL_PATH = [Full path to the folder where Fuse will be installed] 
    export FUSE_BINARY_PATH = [Full path to the Fuse zip file downloaded in step 1]
  5. If running the camel-jbossdatagrid-fuse quickstart in JBoss Fuse 6.2.1 the following changes to the setupEverythingOnFuse.sh script must be made; otherwise proceed to the next step:
    1. Change the version of Fuse being exported to reference the 6.2.1 component.
    2. Update the container name to child1.
    # Original line with old version
    # export FUSE_VERSION=jboss-fuse-6.2.0.redhat-133
    # Updated line for Fuse 6.2.1:
    export FUSE_VERSION=jboss-fuse-6.2.1.redhat-084
    # Original line exporting the profile
    #sh client -r 2 -d 10 "fabric:container-add-profile child demo-local_producer" > /dev/null 2>&1
    # Updated line for Fuse 6.2.1:
    sh client -r 2 -d 10 "fabric:container-add-profile child1 demo-local_producer" > /dev/null 2>&1
  6. Once the environment variables are set run the following from the root directory of the quickstart:
  7. After the script completes confirm that the Fuse Hawtio Console may be accessed without error. This console, by default, runs at; the username and password are both admin.
  8. Confirm that both the child1 and child2 containers were created by accessing Fuse Fabric at . Both containers should be highlighted in green to indicate they are ready.