Chapter 14. The Hello World Quickstart

Hello World is a simple quickstart that illustrates how to store and retrieve data from a cache using Red Hat JBoss Data Grid. For this quickstart, users can access the cache in two ways:
  • from a servlet.
  • from a JSF page using request scoped beans.
All libraries (JAR files) bundles with the application are deployed to JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 7.x. JBoss Data Grid's Library mode only allows local access to a single node in a distributed cluster. This mode also allows the application to access the data grid functionality within a virtual machine in the target container.


The Hello World quickstart works only in JBoss Data Grid's Library mode.

JBoss Data Grid's Hello World quickstart is available at the following location: jboss-datagrid-{VERSION}-quickstarts/

14.1. Quickstart Prerequisites

The prerequisites for this quickstart are as follows: