27.2. Viewing the image pull source

For clusters with unrestricted network connectivity, you can view the source of your pulled images by using a command on a node, such as crictl images.

However, for disconnected installations, to view the source of pulled images, you must review the CRI-O logs to locate the Trying to access log entry, as shown in the following procedure. Other methods to view the image pull source, such as the crictl images command, show the non-mirrored image name, even though the image is pulled from the mirrored location.

Conditions préalables

  • Vous avez accès au cluster en tant qu'utilisateur ayant le rôle cluster-admin.


  • Review the CRI-O logs for a master or worker node:

    $  oc adm node-logs <node_name> -u crio

    Exemple de sortie

    The Trying to access log entry indicates where the image is being pulled from.

    Mar 17 02:52:50 ip-10-0-138-140.ec2.internal crio[1366]: time="2021-08-05 10:33:21.594930907Z" level=info msg="Pulling image: quay.io/openshift-release-dev/ocp-release:4.10.0-ppc64le" id=abcd713b-d0e1-4844-ac1c-474c5b60c07c name=/runtime.v1alpha2.ImageService/PullImage
    Mar 17 02:52:50 ip-10-0-138-140.ec2.internal crio[1484]: time="2021-03-17 02:52:50.194341109Z" level=info msg="Trying to access \"li0317gcp1.mirror-registry.qe.gcp.devcluster.openshift.com:5000/ocp/release@sha256:1926eae7cacb9c00f142ec98b00628970e974284b6ddaf9a6a086cb9af7a6c31\""
    Mar 17 02:52:50 ip-10-0-138-140.ec2.internal crio[1484]: time="2021-03-17 02:52:50.226788351Z" level=info msg="Trying to access \"li0317gcp1.mirror-registry.qe.gcp.devcluster.openshift.com:5000/ocp/release@sha256:1926eae7cacb9c00f142ec98b00628970e974284b6ddaf9a6a086cb9af7a6c31\""

    The log might show the image pull source twice, as shown in the preceding example.

    If your ImageContentSourcePolicy object lists multiple mirrors, OpenShift Container Platform attempts to pull the images in the order listed in the configuration, for example:

    Trying to access \"li0317gcp1.mirror-registry.qe.gcp.devcluster.openshift.com:5000/ocp/release@sha256:1926eae7cacb9c00f142ec98b00628970e974284b6ddaf9a6a086cb9af7a6c31\"
    Trying to access \"li0317gcp2.mirror-registry.qe.gcp.devcluster.openshift.com:5000/ocp/release@sha256:1926eae7cacb9c00f142ec98b00628970e974284b6ddaf9a6a086cb9af7a6c31\"