Chapitre 27. Validating an installation

You can check the status of an OpenShift Container Platform cluster after an installation by following the procedures in this document.

27.1. Reviewing the installation log

You can review a summary of an installation in the OpenShift Container Platform installation log. If an installation succeeds, the information required to access the cluster is included in the log.

Conditions préalables

  • You have access to the installation host.


  • Review the .openshift_install.log log file in the installation directory on your installation host:

    $ cat <install_dir>/.openshift_install.log

    Exemple de sortie

    Cluster credentials are included at the end of the log if the installation is successful, as outlined in the following example:

    time="2020-12-03T09:50:47Z" level=info msg="Install complete!"
    time="2020-12-03T09:50:47Z" level=info msg="To access the cluster as the system:admin user when using 'oc', run 'export KUBECONFIG=/home/myuser/install_dir/auth/kubeconfig'"
    time="2020-12-03T09:50:47Z" level=info msg="Access the OpenShift web-console here:"
    time="2020-12-03T09:50:47Z" level=info msg="Login to the console with user: \"kubeadmin\", and password: \"6zYIx-ckbW3-4d2Ne-IWvDF\""
    time="2020-12-03T09:50:47Z" level=debug msg="Time elapsed per stage:"
    time="2020-12-03T09:50:47Z" level=debug msg="    Infrastructure: 6m45s"
    time="2020-12-03T09:50:47Z" level=debug msg="Bootstrap Complete: 11m30s"
    time="2020-12-03T09:50:47Z" level=debug msg=" Bootstrap Destroy: 1m5s"
    time="2020-12-03T09:50:47Z" level=debug msg=" Cluster Operators: 17m31s"
    time="2020-12-03T09:50:47Z" level=info msg="Time elapsed: 37m26s"