Chapter 30. Red Hat JBoss Data Grid CLIs

30.1. JBoss Data Grid CLIs

Red Hat JBoss Data Grid includes two Command Line Interfaces: a Library Mode CLI (see Red Hat JBoss Data Grid Library Mode CLI for details) and a Server Mode CLI (see Red Hat JBoss Data Grid Server CLI for details).

30.2. Red Hat JBoss Data Grid Library Mode CLI

30.2.1. Red Hat JBoss Data Grid Library Mode CLI

Red Hat JBoss Data Grid includes the Red Hat JBoss Data Grid Library Mode Command Line Interface (CLI) that is used to inspect and modify data within caches and internal components (such as transactions, cross-datacenter replication sites, and rolling upgrades). The JBoss Data Grid Library Mode CLI can also be used for more advanced operations such as transactions.

30.2.2. Start the Library Mode CLI (Server)

Start the Red Hat JBoss Data Grid CLI’s server-side module with the standalone and domain files. For Linux, use the or script and for Windows, use the standalone.bat or domain.bat file.

30.2.3. Start the Library Mode CLI (Client)

Start the Red Hat JBoss Data Grid CLI client using the cli files in the bin directory. For Linux, run bin/ and for Windows, run bin\cli.bat .

When starting up the CLI client, specific command line switches can be used to customize the start up.

30.2.4. CLI Client Switches for the Command Line

The listed command line switches are appended to the command line when starting the Red Hat JBoss Data Grid CLI command:

Table 30.1. CLI Client Command Line Switches

Short OptionLong OptionDescription



Connects to a running Red Hat JBoss Data Grid instance. For example, for JMX over RMI use jmx://[username[:password]]@host:port[/container[/cache]] and for JMX over JBoss Remoting use remoting://[username[:password]]@host:port[/container[/cache]]



Read the input from the specified file rather than using interactive mode. If the value is set to - then the stdin is used as the input.



Displays the help information.



Displays the CLI version information.

30.2.5. Connect to the Application

Use the following command to connect to the application using the CLI:

[disconnected//]> connect

The port value 9990 depends on the value the JVM is started with. This port may be changed by starting the JVM with the$PORT_NUMBER command line parameter. When the remoting protocol (remoting://localhost:9990) is used, the Red Hat JBoss Data Grid server administration port is used (the default is port 9990).

The command line prompt displays the active connection information, along with the current directory.

Use the container command to select a cache manager, and then select a cache with the cache command. A cache must be selected before performing cache operations. The CLI supports tab completion, therefore using the cache and pressing the tab button displays a list of active caches. The following example assumes a cache manager, MyCacheManager, defined in the configuration.

[standalone@> container MyCacheManager
[standalone@> cache
default  namedCache
[standalone@]> cache default

Additionally, pressing tab displays a list of valid commands for the CLI.

30.3. Red Hat JBoss Data Grid Server CLI

30.3.1. Red Hat Data Grid Server Mode CLI

Red Hat JBoss Data Grid includes a new Remote Client-Server mode CLI. This CLI can only be used for specific use cases, such as manipulating the server subsystem for the following:

  • configuration
  • management
  • obtaining metrics

30.3.2. Start the Server Mode CLI

Use the following commands to run the JBoss Data Grid Server CLI from the command line:

For Linux:

$ JDG_HOME/bin/

For Windows:


30.4. CLI Commands

30.4.1. CLI Commands

Unless specified otherwise, all listed commands for the JBoss Data Grid CLIs can be used with both the Library Mode and Server Mode CLIs. Specifically, the deny (see The deny Command), grant (see The grant Command), and roles (see The roles command) commands are only available on the Server Mode CLI.

30.4.2. The abort Command

The abort command aborts a running batch initiated using the start command. Batching must be enabled for the specified cache. The following is a usage example:

[standalone@]> start
[standalone@]> put a a
[standalone@]> abort
[standalone@]> get a

30.4.3. The begin Command

The begin command starts a transaction. This command requires transactions enabled for the cache it targets. An example of this command’s usage is as follows:

[standalone@]> begin
[standalone@]> put a a
[standalone@]> put b b
[standalone@]> commit

30.4.4. The cache Command

The cache command specifies the default cache used for all subsequent operations. If invoked without any parameters, it shows the currently selected cache. An example of its usage is as follows:

[standalone@]> cache default
[standalone@]> cache

30.4.5. The clearcache Command

The clearcache command clears all content from the cache. An example of its usage is as follows:

[standalone@]> put a a
[standalone@]> clearcache
[standalone@]> get a

30.4.6. The commit Command

The commit command commits changes to an ongoing transaction. An example of its usage is as follows:

[standalone@]> begin
[standalone@]> put a a
[standalone@]> put b b
[standalone@]> commit

30.4.7. The container Command

The container command selects the default cache container (cache manager). When invoked without any parameters, it lists all available containers. An example of its usage is as follows:

[standalone@]> container
MyCacheManager OtherCacheManager
[standalone@]> container OtherCacheManager

30.4.8. The create Command

The create command creates a new cache based on the configuration of an existing cache definition. An example of its usage is as follows:

[standalone@]> create newCache like namedCache
[standalone@]> cache newCache

30.4.9. The deny Command

When authorization is enabled and the role mapper has been configured to be the ClusterRoleMapper, principal to role mappings are stored within the cluster registry (a replicated cache available to all nodes). The deny command can be used to deny roles previously assigned to a principal:

[standalone@]> deny supervisor to user1

The deny command is only available to the JBoss Data Grid Server Mode CLI.

30.4.10. The disconnect Command

The disconnect command disconnects the currently active connection, which allows the CLI to connect to another instance. An example of its usage is as follows:

[standalone@]> disconnect

30.4.11. The encoding Command

The encoding command sets a default codec to use when reading and writing entries to and from a cache. If invoked with no arguments, the currently selected codec is displayed. An example of its usage is as follows:

[standalone@]> encoding
[standalone@]> encoding --list
[standalone@]> encoding hotrod

30.4.12. The end Command

The end command ends a running batch initiated using the start command. An example of its usage is as follows:

[standalone@]> start
[standalone@]> put a a
[standalone@]> end
[standalone@]> get a

30.4.13. The evict Command

The evict command evicts an entry associated with a specific key from the cache. An example of it usage is as follows:

[standalone@]> put a a
[standalone@]> evict a

30.4.14. The get Command

The get command shows the value associated with a specified key. For primitive types and Strings, the get command prints the default representation. For other objects, a JSON representation of the object is printed. An example of its usage is as follows:

[standalone@]> put a a
[standalone@]> get a

30.4.15. The grant Command

When authorization is enabled and the role mapper has been configured to be the ClusterRoleMapper, the principal to role mappings are stored within the cluster registry (a replicated cache available to all nodes). The grant command can be used to grant new roles to a principal as follows:

[standalone@]> grant supervisor to user1

The grant command is only available to the JBoss Data Grid Server Mode CLI.

30.4.16. The info Command

The info command displays the configuration of a selected cache or container. An example of its usage is as follows:

[standalone@]> info
GlobalConfiguration{asyncListenerExecutor=ExecutorFactoryConfiguration{factory=org.infinispan.executors.DefaultExecutorFactory@98add58}, asyncTransportExecutor=ExecutorFactoryConfiguration{factory=org.infinispan.executors.DefaultExecutorFactory@7bc9c14c}, evictionScheduledExecutor=ScheduledExecutorFactoryConfiguration{factory=org.infinispan.executors.DefaultScheduledExecutorFactory@7ab1a411}, replicationQueueScheduledExecutor=ScheduledExecutorFactoryConfiguration{factory=org.infinispan.executors.DefaultScheduledExecutorFactory@248a9705}, globalJmxStatistics=GlobalJmxStatisticsConfiguration{allowDuplicateDomains=true, enabled=true, jmxDomain='jboss.infinispan',, cacheManagerName='local', properties={}}, transport=TransportConfiguration{clusterName='ISPN', machineId='null', rackId='null', siteId='null', strictPeerToPeer=false, distributedSyncTimeout=240000, transport=null, nodeName='null', properties={}}, serialization=SerializationConfiguration{advancedExternalizers={1100=org.infinispan.server.core.CacheValue$Externalizer@5fabc91d, 1101=org.infinispan.server.memcached.MemcachedValue$Externalizer@720bffd, 1104=org.infinispan.server.hotrod.ServerAddress$Externalizer@771c7eb2}, marshaller=org.infinispan.marshall.VersionAwareMarshaller@6fc21535, version=52, classResolver=org.jboss.marshalling.ModularClassResolver@2efe83e5}, shutdown=ShutdownConfiguration{hookBehavior=DONT_REGISTER}, modules={}, site=SiteConfiguration{localSite='null'}}

30.4.17. The locate Command

The locate command displays the physical location of a specified entry in a distributed cluster. An example of its usage is as follows:

[standalone@]> locate a

30.4.18. The put Command

The put command inserts an entry into the cache. If a mapping exists for a key, the put command overwrites the old value. The CLI allows control over the type of data used to store the key and value. An example of its usage is as follows:

[standalone@]> put a a
[standalone@]> put b 100
[standalone@]> put c 4139l
[standalone@]> put d true
[standalone@]> put e { "package.MyClass": {"i": 5, "x": null, "b": true } }

Optionally, the put can specify a life span and maximum idle time value as follows:

[standalone@]> put a a expires 10s
[standalone@]> put a a expires 10m maxidle 1m

30.4.19. The replace Command

The replace command replaces an existing entry in the cache with a specified new value. An example of its usage is as follows:

[standalone@]> put a a
[standalone@]> replace a b
[standalone@]> get a
[standalone@]> replace a b c
[standalone@]> get a
[standalone@]> replace a b d
[standalone@]> get a

30.4.20. The roles command

When authorization is enabled and the role mapper has been configured to be the ClusterRoleMapper, the principal to role mappings are stored within the cluster registry (a replicated cache available to all nodes). The roles command can be used to list the roles associated to a specific user, or to all users if one is not given:

[standalone@]> roles user1
[supervisor, reader]

The roles command is only available to the JBoss Data Grid Server Mode CLI.

30.4.21. The rollback Command

The rollback command rolls back any changes made by an ongoing transaction. An example of its usage is as follows:

[standalone@]> begin
[standalone@]> put a a
[standalone@]> put b b
[standalone@]> rollback

30.4.22. The site Command

The site command performs administration tasks related to cross-datacenter replication. This command also retrieves information about the status of a site and toggles the status of a site. An example of its usage is as follows:

[standalone@]> site --status NYC
[standalone@]> site --offline NYC
[standalone@]> site --status NYC
[standalone@]> site --online NYC

30.4.23. The start Command

The start command initiates a batch of operations. An example of its usage is as follows:

[standalone@]> start
[standalone@]> put a a
[standalone@]> put b b
[standalone@]> end

30.4.24. The stats Command

The stats command displays statistics for the cache. An example of its usage is as follows:

[standalone@]> stats
Statistics: {
  averageWriteTime: 143
  evictions: 10
  misses: 5
  hitRatio: 1.0
  readWriteRatio: 10.0
  removeMisses: 0
  timeSinceReset: 2123
  statisticsEnabled: true
  stores: 100
  elapsedTime: 93
  averageReadTime: 14
  removeHits: 0
  numberOfEntries: 100
  hits: 1000
LockManager: {
  concurrencyLevel: 1000
  numberOfLocksAvailable: 0
  numberOfLocksHeld: 0

30.4.25. The upgrade Command

The upgrade command implements the rolling upgrade procedure. For details about rolling upgrades, refer to Rolling Upgrades.

An example of the upgrade command’s use is as follows:

[standalone@]> upgrade --synchronize=hotrod --all
[standalone@]> upgrade --disconnectsource=hotrod --all

30.4.26. The version Command

The version command displays version information for the CLI client and server. An example of its usage is as follows:

[standalone@]> version
Client Version 5.2.1.Final
Server Version 5.2.1.Final