Red Hat Customer Convergence Event - Chicago, IL
Hi folks,
You may remember my post from last year on the Red Hat Customer Convergence event in Madison, WI ( We brought in a number of engineers and other specialists to talk about topics of interest to our strategic customers in an informal conference in the Midwest. This was a resounding success, with lots of really good learning on all sides, lots of fun, and overall was a great experience. We got such great feedback that we decided to continue doing them.
Like last time, this is a 1-day regional conference for local customers to talk to the engineers who they are interested in meeting. This time around we have the following topics:
Bryan Yount: RHEV, new features, using the API & SDK, generating reports for utilization and billing, and general tips on supporting RHEV.
Ron Pacheco: discussion around how Red Hat defines our product roadmaps, the life cycle, and what's up with RHEL7
David Sullivan, Mike McGrath, and Dan Yocum: IaaS vs PaaS vs SaaS. If you can say that quick 3 times you get a free beer at the event! :)
Lon Hohberger: our MVP from last time, will talk more about Red Hat Cluster Suite, in particular the new developments in RHEL6, and his Top 10 Gotchas!
We are very excited to welcome the speakers and customers, and look forward to your feedback. Would you like to see something like this in your neck of the woods? Tell us about it!