Enabling Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 Extended Life-cycle Support via Cloud Marketplaces

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Customers running Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 7 will have the ability to purchase an Extended Life-cycle Support (ELS) add-on via cloud marketplaces. This article provides instructions for customers on Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Microsoft Azure to enable RHEL 7 ELS after purchasing it from their respective cloud marketplace.

Please see the following for further details regarding ELS:

Red Hat Enterprise Linux Life Cycle - Extended Life-cycle Support Add-On
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 Extended Life-cycle Support FAQ

Note: You could purchase the Pay As You Go (PAYG) RHEL ELS add-ons through the Private Offer process, instead of directly from the Marketplace, if you are using an AWS/Azure account created in Japan. For details, please consult your sales representatives or refer to the following page for details: You cannot purchase Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 ELS from AWS/Azure Marketplace

To enable a system to make use of the RHEL 7 ELS offering purchased from a cloud marketplace, the following steps can be used:

Step 1: Enable hourly metering

If you're using on-demand/Pay-as-you-Go systems, hourly metering is required.
Follow this guide on how to enable metering for Red Hat Enterprise Linux with Extended Lifecycle Support in your cloud environment on AWS or Azure.

Step 2: Register the system

To register the system, use subscription-manager + insights-client as per the directions in the Getting Started with RHEL Registration Guide.

To simplify registration further, learn how to Create, Configure, and use Activation Keys

Step 3: Tell subscription manager to use CDN-delivered content

Configure subscription-manager to use CDN-delivered content in addition to the internal Red Hat Update Infrastructure (RHUI) repositories available within the cloud platform.

# subscription-manager config --rhsm.manage_repos=1

Step 4: Enable the ELS repositories

# subscription-manager repos --enable rhel-7-server-els-rpms

Getting further assistance

Please reach out to Red Hat Support for assistance if any issues are encountered during this process.
