Ansible Partner NFR Request Process and Policies
This Knowledgebase article has been created to inform official partners of the Red Hat Connect Partner Program on how to request, activate, and utilize Ansible Automation Platform not-for-resale (NFR) subscriptions for internal lab use.
Who qualifies for an Ansible Automation Platform NFR?
Any official technology partner of Red Hat that has joined Red Hat Connect and has signed all partnership legal agreements. More specifically, NFR subscriptions can only be granted and associated with Red Hat Connect accounts that are "Organization Administrators."
Do you already have an Organization Administrator and want to be added under the same company account?
- Go to
- If you do not know your organization administrator, click on the contact customer service link in the “Don’t have an account” tab and reach out to the appropriate group for assistance being added to your company account.
- If you know your organization administrator, ask them to add you to the same account and have them follow the next set of steps:
- As organization administrator, log into Red Hat Connect by selecting Log In for Technology Partners.
- Select ‘My account’ at the top of the page, and click on ‘Team members’ under ‘Company Account’.
- In the ‘Account Details’ page that opens, select ‘Invite user’. Enter the invitee’s email address. When they receive the email, click on the ‘Create my Login’ button.
Why would I need an Ansible NFR subscription?
Two reasons:
General Ansible internal testing: Partner content built for the Ansible Automation Platform, or any type of integration between partner products and Ansible Automation Platform used for testing purposes.
Nomination for Ansible Certified Content: In order to certify Ansible content, an Ansible subscription is required to access and submit to the cloud-based repository that hosts all certified Ansible content.
How do I request an Ansible Automation Platform NFR?
Click Login at the top right of the page. This assumes the login associated is the one used to initiate the partnership with the Red Hat Connect program. The login associated must have registered and signed the click-through technical partnership agreement. If you don't know your Organization Admin for your company, you will have to create a new Red Hat Connect account as a new company, so that you may become an Organization Admin. Only create a new Red Hat ID and associate it with an existing company if you know who the Organization Admin is for that account, and therefore that person must be the one to request the NFR subscriptions.
Select ‘Log in for technology partners'
Login with your Red Hat Login
Go to ‘Program Benefits’ in top navigation bar
Select ’NFR software downloads’
Scroll all the way down to ‘Ansible’ (the last entry)
Click ‘Request an NFR subscription for Ansible Automation'
You will receive two emails. The first email is a confirmation of the request for NFR. The second email is a confirmation that the NFR is now active. It could be up to an hour to receive an activation email.
What are the business rules surrounding this NFR subscription?
- Qty 5 of the 100-node SKU are provided (500 total managed nodes).
- Term is for 1-year, and are not auto-renewed. This request process must be repeated yearly.
- Self-Support SLA: no official support from Red Hat, and no technical support cases may be filed, but full access to the Red Hat Customer Portal is made available.
How do I request an Ansible Tower license file from the NFR subscription?
With Ansible Tower 3.6 and later, it is now possible to request and download an Ansible Tower license file via self-service methods on the Red Hat Customer Portal. For full details and documentation on importing an Ansible Tower license, please refer to the Import License section of the Ansible Tower Documentation.
Who do I contact for help?
Please email for help regarding NFR requests, and for more help regarding using Ansible Automation Hub and submission of Ansible certified content.