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在 RHEL 7.8 和更早的版本中会出现 GNOME 桌面没有响应,并在日志中出现 "JS ERROR: TypeError " 信息的情况。

Solution In Progress - Updated -


  • GNOME 桌面没有响应,需要重启系统。
  • gnome-shell 消耗非常高的 CPU 资源。


  • JS ERROR: Exception in callback for signal: shown: TypeError: this._fullGeometry is undefined

    JS ERROR: Exception in callback for signal: shown: TypeError: this._fullGeometry is undefined
    JS ERROR: Exception in callback for signal: position-changed: TypeError: this._rect is undefined
    JS ERROR: Exception in callback for signal: shown: TypeError: this._fullGeometry is undefined
    JS ERROR: TypeError: area is null
    JS ERROR: TypeError: metaWindow is null
    JS ERROR: TypeError: sourceActor.get_theme_node is not a function
    JS ERROR: TypeError: super._onDestroy is not a function
    JS ERROR: TypeError: this._fullGeometry is null
    JS ERROR: TypeError: this._fullGeometry is undefined
    JS ERROR: TypeError: thumbnail is undefined
  • JS ERROR: TypeError: sourceActor.get_theme_node is not a function

    JS ERROR: TypeError: sourceActor.get_theme_node is not a function
    JS ERROR: Exception in callback for signal: position-changed: TypeError: this._rect is undefined
    JS ERROR: Exception in callback for signal: shown: TypeError: this._fullGeometry is undefined
    JS ERROR: TypeError: area is null
    JS ERROR: TypeError: metaWindow is null
    JS ERROR: TypeError: sourceActor.get_theme_node is not a function
    JS ERROR: TypeError: super._onDestroy is not a function
    JS ERROR: TypeError: this._fullGeometry is null
    JS ERROR: TypeError: this._fullGeometry is undefined
    JS ERROR: TypeError: thumbnail is undefined
  • JS ERROR: TypeError: windowActor is null

    journal: JS ERROR: TypeError: null has no properties#012_addWindowEffect@resource:///org/gnome/shell/ui/closeDialog.js:82:13#012wrapper@resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/_legacy.js:82:22#012vfunc_show@resource:///org/gnome/shell/ui/closeDialog.js:153:9#012wrapper@resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/_legacy.js:82:22
    journal: JS ERROR: TypeError: null has no properties#012_addWindowEffect@resource:///org/gnome/shell/ui/closeDialog.js:82:13#012wrapper@resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/_legacy.js:82:22#012vfunc_show@resource:///org/gnome/shell/ui/closeDialog.js:153:9#012wrapper@resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/_legacy.js:82:22
    rsyslogd: imjournal: 17674 messages lost due to rate-limiting
    gnome-session: gnome-session-binary[76309]: WARNING: Application 'org.gnome.Shell.desktop' killed by signal 1
  • 因为 JavaScript 错误造成 Gnome 会话没有响应。

    JS ERROR: TypeError: null has no properties + meta_display_ping_timeout


  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.8
  • 运行 gnome-shell-3.28.3-24.el7
  • mutter

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