Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 ELS cannot be purchased from AWS/Azure Marketplace

Solution Verified - Updated -


  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 Extended Life Cycle Support (ELS)
  • AWS Marketplace
  • AWS account created within Japan
  • Azure Marketplace for Azure Cloud Solution Provider (CSP)


  • When I try to purchase Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 Extended Life Cycle Support (ELS) from AWS marketplace、I am getting an error message like You're not eligible for this offer..


  • As we are currently taking sales orders, kindly please contact our sales team (Request a callback) should you wish to purchase.
  • As of November 2024, Japanese users can purchase and use RHEL7 ELS directly from the Azure Marketplace without going through a private offer. Therefore, it is no longer necessary to contact Red Hat to issue a private offer. For details on using ELS on the Azure Marketplace, please refer to this website.

However, if you purchase through an Azure Cloud Solution Provider (CSP), you will be purchasing via a private offer, so please contact us via the "purchase inquiry" webpage to request a purchase of RHEL7 ELS.

Root Cause

  • As of 5 June 2024, it is now possible to purchase RHEL7 RHEL7 ELS for Pay As You Go (PAYG) from AWS/Azure Marketplace through a private offer process.

  • If you are using Red Hat Cloud Access (BYOS) and have a valid Red Hat Enterprise Linux and ELS subscription, you are not affected by this and no further action is required.

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