How to check SFP Module transceiver , Vendor name & power check details in RHEL?

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  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9
  • ethtool command
  • Optic fiber SFP


  • How to check SFP Module transceiver, Vendor name & power check details in RHEL?


SFP stands for (Small Form-factor Pluggable). It is a compact, hot-pluggable transceiver module used for both telecommunication and data communication applications. It is used to connect a computer system to a fiber-optic network. It supports both single-mode and multi-mode fiber cables and is capable of operating across a wide range of data transmission speeds.

SFP are used to increase the transmission speed and range of a network by providing a direct connection between the server and the end-user device.

SFP modules are commonly used in networking equipment, such as switches, routers, and network interface cards, to provide flexibility in connecting different types of optical and electrical interfaces.

To check the details of an SFP module in Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL), you can use the ethtool command.

Use the following command to check the SFP module details for a specific network interface. Replace with the name of your network interface (e.g., eth0, eth1):

# ethtool -m <interface>

For Example:

# ethtool -m ens3f0
    Identifier                                : 0x03 (SFP)
    Extended identifier                       : 0x04 (GBIC/SFP defined by 2-wire interface ID)
    Connector                                 : 0x07 (LC)
    Transceiver codes                         : 0x10 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00
    Transceiver type                          : 10G Ethernet: 10G Base-SR
    Encoding                                  : 0x06 (64B/66B)
    BR, Nominal                               : 10300MBd
    Rate identifier                           : 0x00 (unspecified)
    Length (SMF,km)                           : 0km
    Length (SMF)                              : 0m
    Length (50um)                             : 80m
    Length (62.5um)                           : 30m
    Length (Copper)                           : 0m
    Length (OM3)                              : 300m
    Laser wavelength                          : 850nm
    Vendor name                               : FINISAR CORP.
    Vendor OUI                                : 00:90:65
    Vendor PN                                 : FTLX8571D3BCL-QL
    Vendor rev                                : A
    Option values                             : 0x00 0x1a
    Option                                    : RX_LOS implemented
    Option                                    : TX_FAULT implemented
    Option                                    : TX_DISABLE implemented
    BR margin, max                            : 0%
    BR margin, min                            : 0%
    Vendor SN                                 : AS828H1
    Date code                                 : 140823
    Optical diagnostics support               : Yes
    Laser bias current                        : 8.078 mA
    Laser output power                        : 0.5539 mW / -2.57 dBm
    Receiver signal average optical power     : 0.6618 mW / -1.79 dBm
    Module temperature                        : 36.46 degrees C / 97.64 degrees F
    Module voltage                            : 3.2876 V
    Alarm/warning flags implemented           : Yes
    Laser bias current high alarm             : Off
    Laser bias current low alarm              : Off
    Laser bias current high warning           : Off
    Laser bias current low warning            : Off
    Laser output power high alarm             : Off
    Laser output power low alarm              : Off
    Laser output power high warning           : Off
    Laser output power low warning            : Off
    Module temperature high alarm             : Off
    Module temperature low alarm              : Off
    Module temperature high warning           : Off
    Module temperature low warning            : Off
    Module voltage high alarm                 : Off
    Module voltage low alarm                  : Off
    Module voltage high warning               : Off
    Module voltage low warning                : Off
    Laser rx power high alarm                 : Off
    Laser rx power low alarm                  : Off
    Laser rx power high warning               : Off
    Laser rx power low warning                : Off
    Laser bias current high alarm threshold   : 13.200 mA
    Laser bias current low alarm threshold    : 4.000 mA
    Laser bias current high warning threshold : 12.600 mA
    Laser bias current low warning threshold  : 5.000 mA
    Laser output power high alarm threshold   : 1.0000 mW / 0.00 dBm
    Laser output power low alarm threshold    : 0.2512 mW / -6.00 dBm
    Laser output power high warning threshold : 0.7943 mW / -1.00 dBm
    Laser output power low warning threshold  : 0.3162 mW / -5.00 dBm
    Module temperature high alarm threshold   : 78.00 degrees C / 172.40 degrees F
    Module temperature low alarm threshold    : -13.00 degrees C / 8.60 degrees F
    Module temperature high warning threshold : 73.00 degrees C / 163.40 degrees F
    Module temperature low warning threshold  : -8.00 degrees C / 17.60 degrees F
    Module voltage high alarm threshold       : 3.7000 V
    Module voltage low alarm threshold        : 2.9000 V
    Module voltage high warning threshold     : 3.6000 V
    Module voltage low warning threshold      : 3.0000 V
    Laser rx power high alarm threshold       : 1.0000 mW / 0.00 dBm
    Laser rx power low alarm threshold        : 0.0100 mW / -20.00 dBm
    Laser rx power high warning threshold     : 0.7943 mW / -1.00 dBm
    Laser rx power low warning threshold      : 0.0158 mW / -18.01 dBm

Note: This command will display detailed information about the SFP module, including its type, vendor, serial number, wavelength, and other relevant details.

Root Cause

In some cases, the SFP serial number may not be accessible or may not be provided by the module itself. Therefore, if you don't see the serial number in the ethtool output, it could be due to limitations in the hardware or driver. Also, Keep in mind that not all network interfaces may have SFP modules, and the presence of SFP support depends on the specific hardware.

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