How to Enable Groups Claim on Azure Active Directory for OpenID Connect

Solution Verified - Updated -


  • Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform (RHOCP)
    • 4.10+
  • Red Hat OpenShift on AWS (ROSA)
    • 4.10+
  • Red Hat OpenShift Dedicated (OSD)
    • 4.10+
  • Azure Red Hat OpenShift (ARO)
    • 4.10+


  • Enable the groups claim on Azure Active Directory for use with Openshift OAuth OIDC provider.


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  1. Sign in to the Azure portal
    Navigate to and sign in with your Azure account credentials.

  2. Navigate to Azure Active Directory
    From the left-hand menu, select "Azure Active Directory".

  3. Select App registrations
    Within the Azure Active Directory page, select "App registrations" from the menu.

  4. Select the relevant application
    From the list of applications, select the application for which you want to enable the groups claim.

  5. Open Token Configuration
    From the left-hand menu of the application page, select "Token configuration".

  6. Add groups claim
    Click on the "+ Add groups claim" button.

  7. Configure groups claim
    In the "Add groups claim" page:

    • Select the types of groups (security groups, distribution lists, etc.) you want to include in the groups claim.
    • Select the ID type (group ID or group name).
    • Select the source (user’s groups or groups assigned to the application).
    • Configure any advanced settings as required.
  8. Save the changes
    Click on "Add" to save the changes.

  9. Create AAD client secret

# create AAD client secret
oc create secret generic aad-secret --from-literal=clientSecret=zCS8Q~qS8.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxB6l5DOfcw. -n openshift-config
  1. Configure Oauth OIDC on Openshift with groups claim, e.g.:
kind: OAuth
  name: cluster
  - name: HTPasswd
    mappingMethod: claim
    type: HTPasswd
        name: htpass-secret
  - name: AAD
    mappingMethod: claim
    type: OpenID
      clientID: 171169eb-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-d36c6c6824d8
        name: aad-secret
      - email
      - profile
        - preferred_username
        - name
        - email
        - groups


The supported formats for group claims are:

  • Microsoft Entra group ObjectId: Available for all groups.
  • sAMAccountName: Available for groups synchronized from Active Directory.
  • NetbiosDomain\sAMAccountName: Available for groups synchronized from Active Directory.
  • DNSDomainName\sAMAccountName: Available for groups synchronized from Active Directory.
  • On-premises group security identifier: Available for groups synchronized from Active Directory.

Note: sAMAccountName and on-premises GroupSID attributes are available only on group objects synced from Active Directory. They aren’t available on groups created in Microsoft Entra ID or Office 365. Applications configured in Microsoft Entra ID to get synced on-premises group attributes get them for synced groups only.

For more details, check Microsoft Document:

Configure group claims for applications by using Microsoft Entra ID

Root Cause

By default, Azure Active Directory does not include the groups claim in tokens for OpenID Connect. This can limit the information available for authorization decisions.

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