"PrometheusOperatorRejectedResources" alert firing continuously in a Red Hat OpenShift Service in RHOCP 4

Solution Verified - Updated -


  • Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS (ROSA)
    • 4
  • Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform (RHOCP)
    • 4


  • Continuous "PrometheusOperatorRejectedResources" warning from the AlertManager.
  • Prometheus operator shows the following warning log repeatedly:
level=warn ts=2022-07-29T16:17:27.361540578Z caller=operator.go:1832 component=prometheusoperator msg="skipping servicemonitor" error="it accesses file system via bearer token file which Prometheus specification prohibits" servicemonitor=openshift-logging/monitor-elasticsearch-cluster namespace=openshift-user-workload-monitoring prometheus=user-workload


As per the description of the "Red Hat OpenShift Logging" operator, it is a pre-requisite to enable monitoring on namespace openshift-logging. This can be resolved by setting the label openshift.io/cluster-monitoring=true on the affected namespace.

oc label namespace openshift-logging openshift.io/cluster-monitoring=true

For Customers using ROSA
Please note that the customers cannot directly set this label as "openshift-logging" comes under the Red Hat managed namespaces. If the customers attempt to set any label on the managed namespaces (i.e., starting with openshift-), it will be blocked and the following error log is displayed:

Error from server (Prevented from accessing Red Hat managed namespaces.

In order to enable the cluster monitoring by applying the above label, please open a support case with us by clicking here.

Root Cause

The "PrometheusOperatorRejectedResources" alert fires when the Prometheus operator rejects some resources in a particular namespace due to some misconfiguration in the service or UWM. Here, the "openshift-logging" namespace under user workload monitoring (UWM) is being rejected by Prometheus operator. "openshift-logging" monitoring is expected to be in UWM and thus, Red SRE is not alerted for it (it's also a warning alert). The Prometheus Operator would expect cluster monitoring to be enabled for it.

Diagnostic Steps

  1. Verify if "PrometheusOperatorRejectedResources" alert is firing using web console:
    PrometheusOperatorRejectedResources alert in web console

  2. Inspect the logs for the Prometheus Operator:

oc logs -n openshift-user-workload-monitoring deployment/prometheus-operator -c prometheus-operator | grep "it accesses file system via bearer token"

level=warn ts=2022-07-29T16:17:27.361540578Z caller=operator.go:1832 component=prometheusoperator msg="skipping servicemonitor" error="it accesses file system via bearer token file which Prometheus specification prohibits" servicemonitor=openshift-logging/monitor-elasticsearch-cluster namespace=openshift-user-workload-monitoring prometheus=user-workload

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