leapp upgrade stops with Inhibitor "Upgrade requires links in root directory to be relative"
The command
leapp upgrade
orleapp preupgrade
reports an inhibitor:Risk Factor: high (inhibitor) Title: Upgrade requires links in root directory to be relative Summary: After rebooting, parts of the upgrade process can fail if symbolic links in / point to absolute paths. Please change these links to relative ones. Remediation: [command] sh -c ln -snf data /softlink Key: 3d895ad37ceaf4157864d439edb6bd75562061fa
NOTE: The remediation command suggested in leapp-report.txt
is faulty and we are working to fix it through RHEL-30447 . The command is missing (") double quotes for subcommand of shell.
- Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7
- Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8
- Leapp
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