Evaluating OCP updates to 4.10.14 through 4.10.19
- Clusters updating out of 4.10.14, 4.10.15, 4.10.16, 4.10.17, 4.10.18, and 4.10.19 may, depending on their past history, fail to initiate the update as the pod retrieving the target release collides with previous release data. In order to avoid this trouble, we recommend avoiding updates to these releases. This issue is fixed in 4.10.20 and later.
- The clusterversion object displays
Unable to download and prepare the update: deadline exceeded
as shown below.
$ omc get event -n openshift-cluster-version
46s Warning RetrievePayloadFailed clusterversion/version Retrieving payload failed version="4.11.43" image="quay.io/openshift-release-dev/ocp-release@sha256:d11cd63a623d33bda744f1a886d4b55710db4d68878967be2ebcd5535fafa25d" failure=Unable to download and prepare the update: deadline exceeded, reason: "DeadlineExceeded", message: "Job was active longer than specified deadline"
- Clusters updating out of 4.10.14 through 4.10.19 may, depending on their past history, fail to initiate the update to any later release.
- Depending on cluster architecture, clusters which have passed through any of the following releases are vulnerable to rhbz#2094078 while leaving 4.10.14 through 4.10.19:
- x86-64: 4.2.11, 4.2.25, 4.3.31, 4.4.25, 4.5.15, 4.5.22, 4.6.0-rc.4, 4.6.46
- s390x: 4.4.31, 4.8.1, 4.9.11
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