Red Hat Camel 3 Support and the Future of Fuse

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  • Red Hat Fuse (Fuse)
  • Red Hat build of Apache Camel
    • 3.x
    • 4.x


  • What are the timelines and plans for Fuse 8?
  • Does Red Hat already offer support for Apache Camel 3.x and 4.x?


Application Development is evolving as the modern Hybrid Cloud and cloud-native architectures drive new demands on applications. As a part of this continual evolution, we are evolving our product offering from Red Hat Fuse to the Red Hat build of Apache Camel, allowing us to address a broader set of modern customer deployment use cases.

Support for Apache Camel 3.x and 4.x is already available under Red Hat Application Foundations and Red Hat Build of Apache Camel.

Red Hat Application Foundations is a comprehensive set of components to develop and modernize their software and includes integration and event processing technologies. It bundles multiple open source projects such as Debezium, Apache Camel and many more.
Under Red Hat's Application Foundation subscription, users get support for Red Hat build of Apache Camel, consisting of these products:

Camel Extensions for Quarkus brings the integration capabilities of Apache Camel and its vast component library to the Quarkus runtime. It is fully supported on Red Hat OpenShift as well as Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL).

Camel Spring Boot offers support for Apache Camel on Spring Boot for building microservice applications. This product offering is also supported on Red Hat OpenShift as well as Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL).

A previous product called Red Hat Camel K has been deprecated in favor of a unified way to run Camel based integrations on OpenShift. You can read about the deprecation here.

Users who are interested in Apache Camel 3 or 4 support are invited to evaluate any of the product offerings above.
Red Hat Application Foundations is the product where Camel based innovation will happen.

Note: Support for running Camel based integrations on Karaf (OSGi) and EAP (JEE) will finish as Fuse 7 runs out of support in June 2024. With our new Apache Camel based product offerings described above we target modern runtimes and platforms such as Quarkus, Spring Boot and OpenShift. See article Deprecation notice for Fuse on Karaf and EAP runtimes for further information.

Be aware that Fuse 7 will remain supported until mid 2024 and will continue to see regular releases until that time. It will remain based on Camel 2.23 or a higher 2.x version.

For customers looking to migrate from Fuse 7, we recommend to consider a migration straight to Camel 4.x and skip Camel 3.x. Our Camel 4.x product offerings will see a longer life cycle. We also recommend a review of the article How to migrate from Red Hat Fuse 7 to the Red Hat build of Apache Camel?.

Finally, Red Hat offers professional services that can help with the migration from Fuse 7 to Red Hat build of Apache Camel 4.x or 3.x. Please reach out to your Red Hat Sales representative if you are interested.

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