Installation hangs at "waiting for hardware to initialize" and then results in a backtrace
- installing Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 hangs at "Waiting for hardware to initialize" and results in a backtrace
Waiting for hardware to initialize...
Waiting for NetworkManager to configure eth0.
- virtual machine is installed using 'virt-install' gives traceback
# virt-install --connect=qemu:///system --extra-args=console=ttyS0 nofb headless loglevel=debug cmdline \
ip=10.65.x.x netmask=255.255.x.0 gateway=10.65.211.x dns=10.65.x.x,172.x.x.28 \
--name=lvgxtv02 --vcpus=1 --ram=2048 --network=bridge:br0 --os-type=linux --os-variant=rhel6 --disk path=/dev/mapper/vm_test-lvol0 \
--nographics --noreboot --wait=30
- hitting the 'Enter' key results in the following trace back:
loader received SIGSEGV! Backtrace:
install exited abnormally [1/1]
loader received SIGSEGV! Backtrace:
install exited abnormally [1/1]
- Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6
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