Can ntpd/chronyd be used with two NTP servers, specifying one as primary and another as backup?

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  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL)
    • 6
    • 7
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  • ntp
  • chrony


  • Can ntpd/chronyd be used with two NTP servers, specifying one as primary and another as backup?
  • How many upstream time servers should be configured in the NTP configuration file?


Recommended Configuration

  • It is NOT recommended to use only two NTP servers.
  • If more than one NTP server is required, four NTP servers is the recommended minimum. Four servers protect against one incorrect timesource, or "falseticker". For more information refer to Best practices for NTP
  • Also refer to the upstream NTP documentation for additional detail: 5.3. Selecting Offsite NTP Servers. Especially the chapter 5.3.3. Upstream Time Server Quantity, it is well documented and clarified.


  • If two NTP servers are required for redundancy, one server can be assumed a truechimer by using the true option in ntp.conf, and trust option in chrony.conf. But the NTP client will not follow it blindly.

  • Note that this option defeats the purpose of NTP's timesource selection algorithms and allows the sources with this option to set the system clock. If the specified time source is unstable, the system will not be able to identify the problem.

Example for ntpd

  • Example /etc/ntp.conf specification:
server true  
  • Then restart the ntpd service. Wait for about fifteen minutes to let NTP collect enough information to operate with accuracy. After that, the ntpq -pn command can be used to check the sync status. There are two possible results:

  • If both NTP servers are stable and sync with each other, there will be a * or + in front of both NTP servers. For example:

 [root@localhost ~]# ntpq -pn  
remote           refid      st t when poll reach   delay   offset  jitter
+     LOCAL(0)         6 u   10   16  377    0.154    4.200   2.416
*     LOCAL(0)         6 u    1   16  377    0.981    0.982   0.400
  • If the time info provided by the two NTP servers which were sticking to their local time is not in-sync, ntpd will trust the server which has the true option and assume the other one is a falseticker. For example:
[root@localhost ~]# ntpq -pn  
remote           refid       st t when poll reach   delay   offset   jitter  
*        LOCAL(0)     6  u 10   16   377     0.211   -16.920 2.562  
x192.168.0.2        LOCAL(0)     6  u 1    16   377     0.581    5.242  4.597

Example for chronyd

  • Example /etc/chrony.conf specification:
server trust  

Root Cause

  • When ntpd/chronyd gets information from two time sources and the times provided do not fall into a small enough range, the ntpd/chronyd daemon cannot determine which timesource is correct and which is the falseticker.

Diagnostic Steps

For ntpd:

  • Check the number of clocks configured in the /etc/ntp.conf file using:
[root@localhost ~]# grep -E '^(peer|server)' /etc/ntp.conf
  • Check the number of clocks ntpd is currently using:
[root@localhost ~]# ntpq -p

For chronyd:

  • Check the number of clocks configured in the /etc/chrony.conf file using:
[root@localhost ~]# grep -E '^(peer|server)' /etc/chrony.conf
  • Check the number of clocks chronyd is currently using:
[root@localhost ~]# chronyc sources
  • From man ntp.conf:
       true    Mark the association to assume truechimer  status;  that  is,  always
               survive  the  selection and clustering algorithms. This option can be
               used with any association, but is most useful  for  reference  clocks
               with  large  jitter on the serial port and precision pulse-per-second
               (PPS) signals. Caution: this option defeats the  algorithms  designed
               to  cast out falsetickers and can allow these sources to set the sys-
               tem clock. This option is valid only with the server  and  peer  com-
  • From man chrony.conf:
               Assume time from this source is always true. It can be rejected as a
               falseticker in the source selection only if another source with this
               option does not agree with it.

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