How do I Configure Custom Logging Aggregator in Ansible Automation Platform?

Solution Verified - Updated -


  • Ansible Tower 3.8.x
  • Ansible Automation Platform 2.x
  • Controller 4.x


  • How do I point Ansible Tower to a custom logging aggregator apart from SPLUNK, LOGSTASH, SUMOLOGIC & LOGGLY.
  • How do I point Controller to a custom logging aggregator apart from SPLUNK, LOGSTASH, SUMOLOGIC & LOGGLY.


  • Selecting Other logging aggregator service in Ansible Tower :

    • To use any other logging aggregator service apart from SPLUNK, LOGSTASH, SUMOLOGIC & LOGGLY, you can select "LOGGING AGGREGATOR TYPE" as other in the "LOGGING" section.

      `Settings -> System -> LOGGING`

      For more details on setting up the Logging Aggregator in Ansible Tower, refer to the following documentation link: Set up logging with tower

  • Selecting Other logging aggregator service in Ansible Automation Platfrom :

    • T o use any other logging aggregator service apart from SPLUNK, LOGSTASH, SUMOLOGIC & LOGGLY, you can select "LOGGING AGGREGATOR TYPE" as other in the "LOGGING" section.

      `Settings -> Logging -> Logging Aggregator Type`

      For more details on setting up the Logging Aggregator in AAP2.x, refer to the following documentation link:
      Set up logging with AAP

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