Hardware and memory requirements for JBoss EAP

Solution Verified - Updated -


  • What is the minimum Hardware requirement for JBoss EAP-4.3?
  • What is the recommended Hardware requirement for JBoss EAP 5?
  • We need to know what is the requirement for hard disk space so that we can allocate the proper disk space.
  • Need a recommendation for a minimal amount of memory required to run two instances (EAP) on one VM?
  • We need to the H/W resource requirement (RAM, Hard Disk, CPU cost) need to install JBoss EAP 6.2 in the production environment to facilitate for 500 users/1000 users/1500 users/2000 users separately. We need to request H/W resources, as we are planning to deploy our applications in JBoss EAP soon.
  • Can you please guide us to JBoss 6.4 minimum memory, CPU, and disk space requirement section of the JBoss documentation? We have found information for JBoss 5.2 but not for 6.4.
  • What are the pre-requisite from OS side for this application in terms of hardware and operating system(RHEL 6.6)
  • We plan to implement JBoss EAP 7.1 High Availability and we are looking for hardware requirements.
  • Minimum requirements for JBoss EAP 8 to run (RAM/CPU/OS/Java/Filesystem)?


  • Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform (EAP)
    • 8.x
    • 7.x
    • 6.x
    • 5.x
    • 4.3

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