AD users are unable to login due to the GPO policy

Solution Verified - Updated -


  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux
  • sssd
  • Active Directory


  • AD users unable to login to the RHEL system showing a warning
"Warning: user would have been denied GPO-based logon access if the ad_gpo_access_control option were set to enforcing mode"
  • AD users unable to login to RHEL system showing error
(Tue Jul 14 20:24:06 2020) [sssd[be[]]] [ad_gpo_perform_hbac_processing] (0x0040): GPO access check failed: [1432158235](Host Access Denied)
  • AD users unable to login to RHEL system showing error
(Sat Aug 28 01:37:08 2022) [sssd[be[]]] [ad_gpo_access_done] (0x0040): GPO-based access control failed.


  • To isolate this issue add following option under [domain/..] section of sssd.conf:
ad_gpo_access_control = disabled
  • Flush sssd cache and restart the service.
systemctl stop sssd ; rm -rf /var/lib/sss/{db,mc}/* ; systemctl start sssd
  • Try to login, if user login works then you can use the above option as a workaround.

  • For a permanent solution evaluate GPO rule in Active Directory and make appropriate changes to allow user login and then you can remove ad_gpo_access_control = disabled from sssd.conf

  • Note: disabled - GPO-based access control rules are neither evaluated nor enforced.

Root Cause

  • The AD user login is failing due to the GPO policy.

Diagnostic Steps

  • Check SSSD configuration:
$ cat etc/sssd/sssd.conf | grep access
access_provider = ad
ad_access_filter = memberOf=CN=newusers,OU=it,DC=example,DC=com
  • Check sssd debug logs.

1. sssd_$domain.log:

(Sat Dec 28 01:37:08 2019) [sssd[be[]]] [gpo_cse_done] (0x0020): ad_gpo_parse_gpo_child_response failed: [22][Invalid argument]   <-----
(Sat Dec 28 01:37:08 2019) [sssd[be[]]] [ad_gpo_cse_done] (0x0040): Unable to retrieve policy data: [22](Invalid argument}
(Sat Dec 28 01:37:08 2019) [sssd[be[]]] [ad_gpo_access_done] (0x0040): GPO-based access control failed.
(Sat Dec 28 01:37:08 2019) [sssd[be[]]] [ad_gpo_access_done] (0x0040): Ignoring error: [22](Invalid argument); GPO-based access control failed, but GPO is not in enforcing mode.
(Sat Dec 28 01:37:08 2019) [sssd[be[]]] [child_sig_handler] (0x0020): waitpid did not found a child with changed status.
(Sat Dec 28 01:37:08 2019) [sssd[be[]]] [child_sig_handler] (0x0020): child [39612] failed with status [1].

2. gpo_child.log:

(Sat Dec 28 01:37:08 2019) [[sssd[gpo_child[39612]]]] [copy_smb_file_to_gpo_cache] (0x0020): smbc_getFunctionOpen failed [110][Connection timed out]
(Sat Dec 28 01:37:08 2019) [[sssd[gpo_child[39612]]]] [perform_smb_operations] (0x0020): copy_smb_file_to_gpo_cache failed [110][Connection timed out]
(Sat Dec 28 01:37:08 2019) [[sssd[gpo_child[39612]]]] [main] (0x0020): perform_smb_operations failed.[110][Connection timed out].   <-----
(Sat Dec 28 01:37:08 2019) [[sssd[gpo_child[39612]]]] [main] (0x0020): gpo_child failed!

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