Running tcpdump inside an OpenShift pod to capture network traffic

Solution Verified - Updated -


  • Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform (RHOCP)
    • 4
  • Azure Red Hat OpenShift (ARO)
    • 4


  • Need to do packet capture using tcpdump from inside an OpenShift pod.
  • Is it possible to use commands in a container via nsenter to capture information with tools that are not built into the pod?


Using tcpdump with no SSH access to nodes

  1. Open a debug shell on the node where the target pod is running:

    $ oc debug node/<nodename>

    If you use a custom debug image, make sure that tcpdump and nsenter are available in it.

    Note1: It is NOT required to run chroot /host and toolbox in currently supported OpenShift versions. The oc debug node/<nodename> has tcpdump already.

    Note2: Take note of the namespace created for the debug pod, it will be used in the coming steps.

  2. Build the required nsenter parameters so that you can enter the pod namespace.

    In 4.8 and lower, follow these steps:

    # NAME=<pod-name>
    # NAMESPACE=<pod-namespace>
    # pod_id=$(chroot /host crictl pods --namespace ${NAMESPACE} --name ${NAME} -q)
    # pid=$(chroot /host bash -c "runc state $pod_id | jq .pid")
    # nsenter_parameters="-n -t $pid"

    In 4.9 and higher, follow these steps instead:

    # NAME=<pod-name>
    # NAMESPACE=<pod-namespace>
    # pod_id=$(chroot /host crictl pods --namespace ${NAMESPACE} --name ${NAME} -q)
    # ns_path="/host$(chroot /host bash -c "crictl inspectp $pod_id | jq '.info.runtimeSpec.linux.namespaces[]|select(.type==\"network\").path' -r")"
    # nsenter_parameters="--net=${ns_path}"
  3. Before running the tcpdump command, you need to determine the name of the correct interface to use. You can list all the interfaces within the pod by running ip a or tcpdump -D as shown below.

    # nsenter $nsenter_parameters -- chroot /host ip a


    # nsenter $nsenter_parameters -- tcpdump -D
  4. Once you have the interface name, start the tcpdump in the container's network namespace using command below. Make sure to replace ${INTERFACE} with the relevant interface name found in the earlier step (or set the variable to the correct value in your shell).

    # nsenter $nsenter_parameters -- tcpdump -nn -i ${INTERFACE} -w /host/var/tmp/${HOSTNAME}_$(date +\%d_%m_%Y-%H_%M_%S-%Z).pcap ${TCPDUMP_EXTRA_PARAMS}

    Press ctrl+c when you are ready to end capture and list the generated file(s):

    # ls /host/var/tmp/*.pcap

    Note: See this page for more details on using the tcpdump command: Capturing network packets with tcpdump. You can also replace tcpdump command with any other command you want to run from the pod's network namespace.

  5. Before exiting the debug pod, open a new terminal and copy the .pcap file generated :

    $ oc project <debugPodNamespace>
    $ oc get pods
    NAME                                            READY   STATUS      RESTARTS   AGE
    ip-10-z-yyy-xxxus-west-2computeinternal-debug   1/1     Running     0          97s
    $ oc cp ip-10-z-yyy-xxxus-west-2computeinternal-debug:/host/var/tmp/<filename>.pcap <filename>.pcap
  6. Once the .pcap file is copied, it can be removed from the node by running this from the debug pod:

    # rm /host/var/tmp/<filename>.pcap

Root Cause

Most container engines, including crio, use kernel network namespaces to implement networking isolation layer in the containers. Therefore, the way to run command in the networking context of a container is to enter its networking namespace by means of nsenter. This solution describes how to do it, focusing on tcpdump example.

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