vcs_info modules no longer work after zsh upgrade to 5.0.2-31

Solution Verified - Updated -


  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 7.4
  • zsh-5.0.2-31.el7


We recently upgraded zsh on our RHEL 7.4 hosts from 5.0.2-28 to 5.0.2-31.

After upgrade oh-my-zsh vcs_info zsh hooks are no longer working.


Update to zsh-5.0.2-33.el7 shipped with Advisory RHSA-2019:2017 or newer.

Root Cause

Security update RHSA-2018:3073 introduced overflow of PATH_MAX-sized buffer in spelling correction. This is now fixed and oh-my-zsh vcs_info zsh hooks no longer fail.

  • Component
  • zsh

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