rear support of multisegment lvols, fix requested

Solution Verified - Updated -


  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 7.6
  • rear-2.4-7.el7


RHEL7.6 rear migration recovery fails when LVs have multiple segments due to duplicate output in disklayout.conf file.


Update to rear-2.4-9.el7_7 shipped with Advisory RHBA-2019:2603 or newer.

Root Cause

Previously, recovery failed for a system in Migration Mode (happens when a different system is used or disks have not same size) or when Thin Pools were used.

Without the fix, multiple lvmvol lines for same LV were added in disklayout.conf, causing multiple lvcreate commands for same LV to be used, which broke the recovery.

Issue was fixed in upstream issue 2187.

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