ReaR: cannot restore a system when using the Bacula backup method

Solution Verified - Updated -


  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 and later
    • bconsole
    • rear-2.4-4.el7_6


  • When restoring a system backed up using the bacula method, rear recover doesn't show the bconsole prompt

    Do not exit 'bconsole' until all files are restored
    WARNING: The new root is mounted under '/mnt/local'.
    Press ENTER to start bconsole


Update to rear-2.4-9.el7_7 shipped with Advisory RHBA-2019:2603 or newer.

Root Cause

Previously ReaR redireced the standard output to the ReaR log file /var/log/rear/rear-<hostname>.log which prevented the prompt from being displayed.

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