How do I delete or deactivate my login ID for the Red Hat Customer Portal?

Solution Verified - Updated -


  • Red Hat Customer Portal
  • Red Hat Account Management


  • I am leaving the organization and wish to delete my login ID under this account for the Red Hat Customer Portal
  • I am moving to another department within my organization but they have a separate account for it, and I'd like my login ID to be deleted from the current account


Deactivation and deletion are different options. Deactivated login can be reactivated at any time later whereas deleted login cannot be restored nor re-used in the future.

  • In order to delete a particular Login ID:

    • You may fill out the Red Hat Personal Data Request form

    • Alternatively, you can get in touch with your Regional Customer Service team through email to delete your login ID permanently from the Red Hat Customer Portal. You must also fill up the below template and share it with the Customer Service team;

"I ... (please provide First and Last name) having a place of residence in ... (Country of residence and State if USA) confirm that I want to permanently delete my Login ID ‘’...’’ and my personal account # ... under the name ‘’...’’. I am aware that the above Login ID and the account cannot be reinstated once their deletion is completed."

Once the Customer Service Team receives the above statement, your request to delete the said login ID will be escalated to the respective team.

  • In order to deactivate a particular Login ID:

    • Please reach out to your Org Admin and request a deactivation. Your Org Admin should be able to deactivate your account through the User Management feature.

Related article: How to disassociate my account from my former company's account?

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