Failed to push image to registry with error: build error: Failed to push image: unauthorized: authentication required
OCP 3.x
Unable to push an image to the docker registry getting: "Failed to push image to registry with error: build error: Failed to push image: unauthorized: authentication required"
There is a workaround to even start a new build (oc start-build
Root Cause
During the generation of the build object, OCP tries to resolve the output IST so it can decide what secret it needs to use with it. The resolution fails so OCP doesn't setup any push secret, but that does not (and should not) fail the creation of the build object.
A build object gets created with no push secret.
Then the build controller sees it and tries to process the build object. Part of processing the build object requires resolving the output IST. Since OCP can't do this (no IST yet), the build hangs in a retry state until the IST gets created.
Finally the IST gets created and the build proceeds, but the push secret was never set up.
This was reported in a github issue:
It is now being tracked in a bug report:
Diagnostic Steps
Pushing images to the docker-registry doesn't work at first time getting a message similar to:
Pushing image ...
error: build error: Failed to push image: unauthorized: authentication required
But a second build works.
BuildConfig object appears before ImageStream one within the resources definition
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