[Master] Red Hat Virtualization Host in non-responding state

Solution In Progress - Updated -


  • Red Hat Virtualization 4.x


  • Red Hat Virtualization Host is marked as not-responding in RHV-M portal, the Event Log in the RHV-M Admin Portal shows:
Host host-A is not responding. It will stay in Connecting state for a grace period of 60 seconds and after that an attempt to fence the host will be issued.


Root Cause

  • RHV Host is marked non-responsive or not-responding when ovirt-engine service of RHV-Manger cannot communicate with vdsmd service of Host.

  • There could be various reasons for this communication gap.

    1. It could be Network issue on Host, Manager or Network between them.
    2. VDSM version on Host has stopped/died.
    3. Host might be hung due to which vdsm service also halted.
    4. SSL certificate is expired between Host and Manager.
    5. Host is actually in down status.
    6. Hosts are registered with FQDN and DNS server is down.
      And any possible reason due to which Engine and VDSM service cannot talk with each other.

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