How are custom persistent names assigned for SCSI devices using udev in Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 and later kernels?

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  • The udev rule /etc/udev/rules.d/20-names.rules from Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 does not work on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 and later kernels
  • How can static names be assigned for SCSI devices using udev in Red Hat Enterprise Linux?
  • How can I assign static /dev/sdN names to device to prevent them from changing across boots?
  • How can static names be assigned for SCSI devices using udev in Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 and later kernels?
  • How can I assign static names for SCSI devices using udev in Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 and later kernels?
  • The /dev/sdx name associated with storage devices changes between boots
  • The system had assigned /dev/sdn device name to the a disk, but after a reboot this name was changed to /dev/sdk, is this expected behaviour?
  • I am unable to rename the '/dev/sdX' device on the server.


  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7, 8, and 9

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