Set a password policy in Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7
- Set the following Password Policy & Complexity requirements in Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7:
- Lock an account after X consecutive failed login attempts.
- Keep a history of used passwords.
- Password size (Minimum acceptable length for the new password).
- Set a limit to the number of digits in the password.
- Set a limit to the number of Upper Case characters in the password.
- Set a limit to the number of Lower Case characters in the password.
- Set a limit to the number of Other characters in the password.
- Set a minimum number of required classes in the password (digits, uppercase, lowercase, others).
- Set a maximum number of allowed consecutive same characters in the password.
- Set a maximum number of allowed consecutive characters of the same class in the password.
- Set the number of characters from the old password that must not be present in the new password.
- Enforce password complexity for root.
- Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7
- /etc/security/pwquality.conf
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