Why there are many 'CLOSE_WAIT' sockets seen in "netstat" command output ?

Solution Verified - Updated -


  • When running netstat command there are many CLOSE_WAIT state sockets.
  • These sockets are seen in this state even after the time defined in `net.ipv4.tcp_keepalive_time' more than 2 hours which is the default of TCP connection timeout.
# netstat -a | grep local
       *.local                  *.*              0      0     0      0 LISTEN
hostname.local         hostname.774           5840      0 10124      0 CLOSE_WAIT
hostname.local         hostname.638           5840      0 10124      0 CLOSE_WAIT
hostname.local         hostname.818           5840      0 10124      0 CLOSE_WAIT
hostname.local         hostname.782           5840      0 10124      0 CLOSE_WAIT


  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux
  • TCP/IP networking

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