What are the yum equivalents of up2date and rpm common tasks on Red Hat Enterprise Linux?
- Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5
- Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6
- yum
- up2date
- What are the yum equivalents of up2date and rpm common tasks?
- The following table lists
commands used on earlier versions of Red Hat Enterprise Linux and theiryum
equivalents for use on Red Hat Enterprise Linux.
Task |
up2date command |
yum command |
Check for and update all RPM(S) |
Check for and update specified RPM(s) |
Install the specified RPM(s) |
Remove the specified RPM(s) and it's dependents |
Search for packages by name |
List all packages which could be updated |
List all available packages |
List all installed packages |
List all installed and available packages |
Update packages in a group |
Install all the default packages by group |
Remove all packages in a group |
not possible |
List available package groups |
Install local packages solving and satisfying dependencies as needed |
Install package of specified architecture |
Show all packages not available via subscribed channels or repositories |
List all channels the system is currently subscribed to |
List packages that satisfy dependency(ies) |
Register a system to RHN hosted/satellite |
- More information about
, please see the man pages,
# man yum # man up2date
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