How to change the message of the day (motd) on Red Hat Enterprise Linux?

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  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux


  • How to change the message of the day (motd) on Red Hat Enterprise Linux?


The message of the day can be used to communicate information to end users, the contents of /etc/motd are displayed after a successful login but just before it executes the login shell.

  • You can change the current message by editing the file /etc/motd using a text editor such as vi or vim
# vi /etc/motd

This is a test message and it will be shown every time a user logs on.

  • After every new login to the system the message will be spawned. Here is a example below:
Last login: Wed Sep 26 13:47:27 2012
This is a test message and it will be shown every time a user logs on.

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