"AMQPLAIN login refused: user 'guest' - invalid credentials" is output in rabbitmq log

Solution Unverified - Updated -


  • Red Hat Enterprise OpenStack Platform 7.0


  • heat stack-list hangs and no output
  • The following logs are output in the rabbitmq log.
=ERROR REPORT==== 18-Feb-2016::18:01:03 ===
closing AMQP connection <0.12023.1981> (

:53267 -> 

                             "AMQPLAIN login refused: user 'guest' - invalid credentials",

=ERROR REPORT==== 18-Feb-2016::18:01:07 ===
closing AMQP connection <0.12327.1981> (

:53329 -> 

                             "AMQPLAIN login refused: user 'heat' - invalid credentials",


  • The rabbitmq credentials for user guest and heat is wrong. Firstly we need to check the current configuration:
# egrep "rabbit_user|rabbit_pass" /etc/*/*.conf | grep -v '#'
  • After that change the password according to our configuration file. In this example, the guest user's password is guest.
# rabbitmq list_users
# rabbitmqctl change_password guest guest

Diagnostic Steps

  • Append -d option to see the API request and response.
# heat -d stack-list
  • Check the heat-api.log
2016-02-18 18:14:39.651 2556 DEBUG heat.common.wsgi [req-c61c904e-d52b-40e2-9956-5d22cf301e45 e2ba0333f4ba4d4fac3b8c0d55f9e90b 181a301cdabb4220a9950b4d449c693c] Calling <heat.api.openstack.v1.stacks.StackController object at 0x3908910> : index __call__ /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/heat/common/wsgi.py:851
2016-02-18 18:14:39.654 2556 DEBUG oslo_messaging._drivers.amqpdriver [req-c61c904e-d52b-40e2-9956-5d22cf301e45 e2ba0333f4ba4d4fac3b8c0d55f9e90b 181a301cdabb4220a9950b4d449c693c] MSG_ID is 2d2fe9f772d942c49d8d4df8454b77ee _send /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/oslo_messaging/_drivers/amqpdriver.py:392
2016-02-18 18:14:39.654 2556 DEBUG oslo_messaging._drivers.amqp [req-c61c904e-d52b-40e2-9956-5d22cf301e45 e2ba0333f4ba4d4fac3b8c0d55f9e90b 181a301cdabb4220a9950b4d449c693c] Pool creating new connection create /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/oslo_messaging/_drivers/amqp.py:103
2016-02-18 18:14:39.663 2556 INFO oslo.messaging._drivers.impl_rabbit [req-c61c904e-d52b-40e2-9956-5d22cf301e45 e2ba0333f4ba4d4fac3b8c0d55f9e90b 181a301cdabb4220a9950b4d449c693c] Connecting to AMQP server on :5672
2016-02-18 18:14:40.875 2553 ERROR oslo.messaging._drivers.impl_rabbit [req-fa96c497-d1fe-4cd5-8633-1914149849fd e2ba0333f4ba4d4fac3b8c0d55f9e90b 181a301cdabb4220a9950b4d449c693c] AMQP server :5672 closed the connection. Check login credentials: Socket closed
  • Check the rabbitmq log
=ERROR REPORT==== 18-Feb-2016::18:01:03 ===
closing AMQP connection <0.12023.1981> (

<IP>:53267 -> 

                             "AMQPLAIN login refused: user 'guest' - invalid credentials",

=ERROR REPORT==== 18-Feb-2016::18:01:07 ===
closing AMQP connection <0.12327.1981> (

<IP>:53329 -> 

                             "AMQPLAIN login refused: user 'heat' - invalid credentials",
  • Enable the rabbitmq plugin to check the credentials with this

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