How do I add and/or remove a package from the up2date agent skip list?

Solution Unverified - Updated -


  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4


  • How do I add and/or remove a package from the up2date agent skip list?


  • There are 2 ways to add/remove a package from the up2date skip list:

Via Console (command line):

Run the following command (as root):

  1. up2date --configure --nox

Enter the number against " pkgSkipList:" from the list of options.

The comments provided by the program are sufficient for syntax.

Comment: A list of package names, optionally including wildcards, to skip
Current value: kernel*;

New Value: kernel*; somepackage*

X Window System (the GUI):

Run the following command:

  1. up2date --configure

Then click on the "Package Exceptions" tab. The top section is where you add/remove packages to be skipped during an up2date run.

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