How to recover lost LUKS key or passphrase

Solution Verified - Updated -


  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 and later
    • LUKS1


  • I lost my LUKS key. How can I recover my data?
  • I forgot the passphrase to my LUKS-encrypted drive. What can I do?
  • How can I recover my data if forgot luks password ?


This solution only works with LUKS1 devices. It is not possible to recover the master key of LUKS2 devices because the key is stored in the kernel directly.

(A) Are any other passphrases or keyfiles available?

LUKS allows for up to 8 keys (derived from passphrases or files) per device

  1. Find the device name with blkid
    This command will only show LUKS devices

    blkid -t TYPE=crypto_LUKS -o device


    [root]# blkid -t TYPE=crypto_LUKS -o device
  2. Inspect the LUKS header to see how many key-slots are populated
    Use the device name from the previous step

    cryptsetup luksDump /dev/<NAME> | grep Key.Slot


    [root]# cryptsetup luksDump /dev/vdb1 | grep Key.Slot
    Key Slot 0: ENABLED
    Key Slot 1: DISABLED
    Key Slot 2: DISABLED
    Key Slot 3: DISABLED
    Key Slot 4: DISABLED
    Key Slot 5: DISABLED
    Key Slot 6: DISABLED
    Key Slot 7: DISABLED
  3. If more than one key slot is enabled, perhaps someone else has a valid key ...?

(B) Is the device still open?

If the system is still up and the device is currently opened (unlocked), root can use the master key to add a new key

(RHEL 5 caveat: root can extract the master key to a file; however, cryptsetup in RHEL 5 doesn't support reading the master key to add a new key. Instead, the disk itself will need to be closed and moved to a RHEL 6 or RHEL 7 machine [along with the master key file].)

  1. Check for open crypt devices
    This command will only show open maps to LUKS-encrypted devices

    dmsetup ls --target crypt


    [root]# dmsetup ls --target crypt
    vdc-decrypted    (253, 2)
    luks-ec013cf7-ad72-4dcf-8a1e-0548016a3e2c    (253, 1)

    The first column is the map filename (<MAP>) without the /dev/mapper/ prefix
    If no output is seen, go to (C)

  2. Find desired open map in above output and make note of its name (<MAP>)
    If system has only ever had one LUKS device, go to next step
    If there are [or should be] multiple LUKS devices on system, use lsblk, findmnt, df, mount, or /etc/fstab to determine the right device


    [root]# mount | grep vdc
    /dev/mapper/vdc-decrypted on /opt type xfs (rw,relatime,seclabel,attr2,inode64,noquota)
    [root]# lsblk | grep -B1 luks-ec013cf7-ad72-4dcf-8a1e-0548016a3e2c
    └─vdb1                                        252:17   0 1023M  0 part
      └─luks-ec013cf7-ad72-4dcf-8a1e-0548016a3e2c 253:1    0 1021M  0 crypt /cryptstor
    [root]# lsblk /dev/vdc
    vdc             252:32   0   2G  0 disk
    └─vdc-decrypted 253:2    0   2G  0 crypt /opt
    [root]# findmnt /dev/mapper/luks-ec013cf7-ad72-4dcf-8a1e-0548016a3e2c
    TARGET     SOURCE                                                FSTYPE OPTIONS
    /cryptstor /dev/mapper/luks-ec013cf7-ad72-4dcf-8a1e-0548016a3e2c ext4   rw,relatime,seclabel,data=ordered
  3. Extract the LUKS master key and use it to add a new key
    Be careful with the master key -- it allows full access to the device

    dmsetup table <MAP> --showkeys

    The master key is the hex string in the 5th column; however, to use it with cryptsetup luksAddkey <DEVICE> --master-key-file, it must be converted to binary

    • RHEL 6 and RHEL 7:
      The master key can be extracted, converted to binary, and piped directly to luksAddKey with the following command

      cryptsetup luksAddKey <DEVICE> --master-key-file <(dmsetup table --showkey /dev/mapper/<MAP> | awk '{print$5}' | xxd -r -p)


      [root]# lsblk | grep -B1 luks-ec013cf7-ad72-4dcf-8a1e-0548016a3e2c
      └─vdb1                                        252:17   0 1023M  0 part
        └─luks-ec013cf7-ad72-4dcf-8a1e-0548016a3e2c 253:1    0 1021M  0 crypt /cryptstor
      [root]# cryptsetup luksAddKey /dev/vdb1 --master-key-file <(dmsetup table --showkey /dev/mapper/luks-ec013cf7-ad72-4dcf-8a1e-0548016a3e2c | awk '{print$5}' | xxd -r -p)
      Enter new passphrase for key slot:
      Verify passphrase:
      [root]# cryptsetup luksDump /dev/vdb1 | grep ENABLED
      Key Slot 0: ENABLED
      Key Slot 1: ENABLED
    • RHEL 5:
      Save the key to a gpg-encrypted file for transfer to a RHEL 6 or RHEL 7 system where the final steps can be done


      [root@rhel5]# dmsetup table --showkey vdb-open | awk '{print $5}'
      [root@rhel5]# dmsetup table --showkey vdb-open | awk '{print $5}' | gpg -aco  masterkey.gpg --force-mdc --cipher-algo aes256
      Enter passphrase:
      Repeat passphrase:
      [root@rhel5]# cat masterkey.gpg
      -----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE-----
      Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
      -----END PGP MESSAGE-----
              Transfer masterkey.gpg to RHEL 6/7 system.
              Make sure masterkey.gpg can be decrypted on other system.
      [root@rhel6]# gpg -d masterkey.gpg
      gpg: AES256 encrypted data
      gpg: encrypted with 1 passphrase
              Once certain masterkey is intact on other system, close the
              LUKS device on the RHEL 5 system and move/migrate the disk
              to the new system.
      [root@rhel5]# cryptsetup luksClose vdb-open
              After that, add a new key using the decrypted master key.
      [root@rhel6]# blkid -t TYPE=crypto_LUKS -o device
      [root@rhel6]# cryptsetup luksAddKey /dev/vdb --master-key-file <(gpg -d masterkey.gpg | xxd -r -p)gpg: AES256 encrypted data
      gpg: encrypted with 1 passphrase
      Enter new passphrase for key slot:
      Verify passphrase:
      [root@rhel6]# cryptsetup luksDump /dev/vdb | grep ENABLED
      Key Slot 0: ENABLED
      Key Slot 1: ENABLED
              After adding new key, close the device and move it back
              to the RHEL 5 system, if desired.

(C) None of that helped!

  • The whole point of encryption is to protect data. If there are no known keys and the device is not unlocked, the data is as good as gone.

  • Barring future discoveries of cryptographic weaknesses in the current LUKS/dm-crypt implementation and barring availability of advanced quantum computers, the only option likely within the realm of possibility is a brute-force dictionary attack, i.e., password-guessing.

  • The feasibility of a dictionary attack depends entirely on the mind that created the key(s), since LUKS allows enormous (512 characters in RHEL 7) plaintext passphrases, not to mention insanely large (8 MiB in RHEL 7) keyfiles [which can contain newlines or even arbitrary binary data].

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