Use CLI to configure Vault in JBoss EAP 6/7.0

Solution Verified - Updated -


  • Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform (EAP)
    • 6
    • 7
  • Using JBoss EAP Vault for Sensitive Strings
  • Configuring new Vault or automating manually configured one


  • Created a Vault manually, but need to automate it
  • Migrated to new a version, and old CLI commands get error:

        "outcome" => "failed",
        "failure-description" => "JBAS014749: Operation handler failed: JBAS015804: Error initializing vault -- JBAS013313: Vault Reader Exception:",
        "rolled-back" => true


These examples are for domain mode. Replace "HOST" with the name in the host-*.xml being used. In standalone mode, remove /host=HOST.

  • JBoss EAP 7.0

  • JBoss EAP 6:

    /host=HOST/core-service=vault:add(vault-options={ "KEYSTORE_URL" => "/path/to/vault.keystore", "KEYSTORE_PASSWORD" => "MASK-3rauBK.94Lxy3ergkZdex", "KEYSTORE_ALIAS" => "vault", "SALT" => "12345678", "ITERATION_COUNT" => "54", "ENC_FILE_DIR" => "/path/to/vault/"})
    • The vault options are not a list so using [] might return exception.
    • The vault options are an object and can be defined using {} instead of []

For detailed information on Vaults, refer to Password Vault

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